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June 29, 2023
Attending last year's international climate summit (COP27) was a blast.
While I continue to puzzle over how I managed to go to Egypt without making time for the Great Pyramid, this was not a tourist trip.
COP27 was an opportunity for EESI to do what we do best: educate members of Congress and their staff about climate change topics.
COP27 took place just a few months after passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. Several Congressional delegations joined world leaders and climate ministers to reassert U.S. leadership in the race to limit global warming rise to 1.5°C (2.7°F).
You helped ensure that EESI was present, communicating the status of negotiations in terms meaningful to U.S. policymakers.
Now that we are in the implementation phase of climate agreements, you are making possible briefings, articles, and podcasts to help policymakers understand the wide range of actions taking place across federal agencies.
And when COP28 begins later this year, your renewed commitment will allow EESI to remain engaged. Together, we can help U.S. policymakers track negotiations and understand the domestic implications of international efforts to address climate change.
Thanks for your continued partnership.
Daniel Bresette
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established a first-of-its-kind grant program to help nonprofits improve the energy efficiency of their facilities. Nonprofits play special roles in their communities, and energy efficiency can help reduce operating costs and improve employee, volunteer, and nonprofit client health and wellness.
You helped power a series of inspiring case studies and informative webinars that have reached thousands of nonprofit sector stakeholders interested in the Renew America's Nonprofits grant program and the multiple benefits of energy efficiency.
Your commitment to climate solutions is aiding the implementation of Renew America's Nonprofits and other programs enacted by historic climate legislation passed by Congress.