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If you want to do more to help advance smart, sustainable, and equitable climate solutions, we invite you to include the Environmental and Energy Study Institute in your estate planning. Including EESI as a beneficiary in your estate is a lasting statement on your commitment to clean energy and climate policy.
There are many forms of planned giving, including bequests and naming EESI as a beneficiary of your IRA or 401(k). Planning your gift to EESI costs nothing now and makes a huge difference for our climate and our country.
Planned giving can be as simple as naming EESI as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or Individual Retirement Account. You can also include EESI in your will or estate plan.
You will be helping to fund win-win climate solutions with your planned gift.
Please let us know you've included us! Or feel free to talk about your options with Development Director Susan Williams at 202-662-1887 or [email protected].
Our board chair, Jared Blum, is among our legacy givers. “If you don’t have a will yet, I recommend having one. You can decide to give a percentage or a set amount, and you can always amend it later. Legacy statements are your last statement about what mattered to you. It reflects who you are as a person. Hence, my modest personal participation is an important way of expressing my values—as it can be for you!
Join the Legacy Giving Society today!
Planned Giving to EESI - The Details You’ll Need to Bequest through your Will or Trust
We suggest you check with your estate planning professional, but here is some sample language for a bequest to EESI:
Note: Your attorney can change this to a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed amount, if you prefer.
Beneficiary of your Retirement Account or Life Insurance Policy
You can name EESI to receive all or a percentage of the balance of a retirement account, or of the death benefit of a life insurance policy. Simply request a beneficiary designation form from your financial institution and complete it as follows. Tax ID: #52-1268030 Environmental and Energy Study Institute 1020 19th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20036
Please note that our suite number changed to 400 in January 2022
Click here for a printable guide to bring when you see your estate planning attorney.
EESI is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Your gifts are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.
EESI is classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Gifts and grants are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our federal tax ID number (or Employer Identification Number (EIN)) is 52-1268030. To learn more about EESI's finances, please view our Form 990 and/or Audited Financial Statements.
EESI is proud to have been designated a Four Star Charity (the highest rating) by Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest charity evaluator, for the past six years. Additionally, numerous supporters have offered glowing reviews of EESI on