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EESI on Bringing Locally-Led Climate Adaptation and Resilience to the Federal Stage
The Mississippi River
Maximizing the Impact of Natural Climate Solutions
Cities Leading the Way on Nature-Based Solutions
Implementing the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Report | A Resilient Future for Coastal Communities
Fact Sheet | Federal Resources for Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change
Fact Sheet | Nature as Resilient Infrastructure – An Overview of Nature-Based Solutions
Fact Sheet | Jobs in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Resilience (2019)
Briefing Series: Local Resilience Efforts Across the Country
Federal Resilience Programs Article Series
Briefing Series: Recovery & Resilience in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Regional Coastal Resilience
Federal Resilience Programs: Tribal Climate Resilience Annual Awards Program
How Do You Count Climate Adaptation Jobs?
Maryland Comptroller Leans into Climate Resilience for a Sustainable Financial Future
7.4 Representative Jennifer McClellan Talks Climate Resilience and Environmental Justice in the Commonwealth
6.3 Policy Approaches for Building Resilience against Sea Level Rise in Coastal Communities
6.2 How Climate Adaptation Researchers Are Working across Sectors and Cultures in the Red River Basin
6.1 Talking about “The Octopus in the Parking Garage” with Rob Verchick
The Fifth National Climate Assessment Demands the Attention of Congress
Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Is an Important Step Forward—But Congress Must Do More to Address Climate Change
New Report Highlights 30 Recommendations to Make Coastal Communities More Resilient
Congress Must Act on the Climate Crisis
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