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October 20, 2022
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to view our briefing on what you need to know about loss and damage from climate change in the lead-up to the international climate negotiations in Egypt (COP27). The topic of loss and damage, defined as climate impacts that cannot be adapted to, is expected to be one of the most discussed issues at COP27. Impacts like land loss in Louisiana and homes falling into the ocean in North Carolina are being felt around the world. Leaders are reckoning with how to address this growing challenge, particularly in countries without the financial and technical tools needed to respond.
Panelists discussed the tools the international community designed so far to address loss and damage, the current status of international climate negotiations on this issue, expectations of what might happen next on the topic at COP27, and why the international conversation on loss and damage matters for U.S. policymakers.
Adelle Thomas, Senior Fellow, Climate Analytics; Director, Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Research Centre, University of the Bahamas; Lead Author, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report Working Group II
Ritu Bharadwaj, Principal Researcher, Climate Change, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Kaveh Guilanpour, Vice President for International Strategies, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
Taylor Dimsdale, Programme Director, E3G
Q: What is the global stocktake? How could loss and damage be built into the process of the first global stocktake and what would that mean for future efforts to address loss and damage?
Q: How is funding for loss and damage different from or complementary to other forms of foreign assistance that the United States provides to developing countries?
Q: When a country, community, or region experiences loss and damage, what are the ripple effects that can result? Bharadwaj
Q: What are some efforts underway to figure out how to measure loss and damage?
Compiled by Shreya Agrawal and Nick Solis and edited for clarity and length. This is not a transcript.
This briefing is part of a Congressional briefing series, What Congress Needs to Know About COP27:
Key Findings from the Newest Global Assessment Report on Climate Change
Climate Change Loss and Damage
Natural Climate Solutions
What’s on the Table for the Negotiations?
Climate Summit Recap: Key Outcomes and What Comes Next
To learn about all the briefings in the series, visit