From June 14 to 18, five bills related to water protection passed the House, including  H.R.610, H.R.1144, and H.R.1921, which would protect the San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, and the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, respectively, and H.R.2008 which reauthorizes funds for nonpoint source pollution management.

Other notable bills include:

  • S.2085 which would establish fees for carbon dioxide, provide rebates to low and middle income Americans, and invest in fossil fuel and environmental justice communities
  • S.2064 which would direct the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Clean Energy Victory Bonds
  • H.R.3956 which would provide for the continued implementation of the Climate and Health program by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Download the Environment & Energy Congressional Round-Up | June 14-18, 2021