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September 30, 2019
On September 24th, EESI and the Center for Climate and Security hosted the 2019 Climate and National Security Forum which launched the Climate and Security Advisory Group’s new report, A Climate Security Plan for America. Climate change poses a significant and unavoidable risk to national security as sea levels rise, natural disasters worsen, and violent climate conflicts emerge. The plan details ways the executive branch, and specifically the U.S. President, can help climate-proof the nation and government. Climate-proofing the government means taking steps to prepare for climate impacts, so that government entities are more resilient when these impacts do occur. Some of the recommendations in the plan include:
As the plan details, “the U.S. President should demonstrate leadership, assess climate risks, support allies and partners, and prepare for and prevent climate impacts.” Though the report focuses on actions the executive branch can take, Congress can also play a key role by directing the administration to take resilience measures.
By Savannah Bertrand