For Immediate Release: September 19, 2007
For More Information Contact: Jetta Wong (202) 662-1885

On September 20, 2007, Under Secretary for Rural Development Thomas Dorr announced that 345 proposals had been selected to receive a total of $18.2 million in loan guarantees and grants from the US Agriculture Department’s (USDA) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency program (Sec. 9006 of the 2002 Farm Bill (P.L. 107-171). These awards are the last installment of the Sec. 9006 awards for FY07.

Of the total $18.2 million, $4.8 million has been awarded for guaranteed loans and $13.4 million for grants. The successful grants cover a wide array of projects and technologies, including wind turbines, biodiesel plants, wood-pellet production, photovoltaic arrays, and anaerobic digesters, as well as energy-efficient improvements to existing equipment, processes and infrastructure at a number of facilities across the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors. In addition to these grants, 48 loans received the loan guarantees. Recipients represent 37 different states, including several states that did not receive funding in FY06, such as Connecticut, Utah, Georgia, Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Virginia.

Click Here for USDA Press Release

Click Here for Full List of Recipients (PDF)

Click Here for Original Solicitation

Click Here for Program Description in the Federal Register (PDF)

Click Here for a PDF of this Release

If you have questions, please email or call EESI at bioenergy [at] or (202) 662-1885.



The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization that works at the nexus of policy and innovation to promote environmentally sustainable societies. EESI was founded in 1984 by a bipartisan group of Congressional Members dedicated to finding environmental and energy solutions. EESI provides credible, timely information and innovative policy ideas through coalition building, media outreach, publications, briefings, workshops and task forces on the issues of energy efficiency and renewable energy, transportation, smart growth, agriculture and global climate change. Carol Werner leads the EESI team as executive director.