On March 11, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the USDA is accepting funding applications from eligible entities for grants to conduct energy audits under the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). The audits are intended to help agriculture producers and rural small businesses identify ways to reduce energy consumption.

Audits are required for energy efficiency projects funded by REAP costing over $50,000. Parties seeking audits must pay 25 percent of audit costs. State, tribal or local government, land-grant colleges and universities, or other institutions of higher education, rural electric cooperatives, and public power entities are eligible to receive funds.

Applications for grants must be submitted on paper or electronically no later than June 9. Application materials may be obtained through www.grants.gov or by contacting one of Rural Development’s Rural Energy Coordinators.

For more information regarding application procedures, eligibility rules, and a list of Rural Development Rural Energy Coordinators, see the Notice of Solicitation of Applications (NOSA) in the Federal Register.