The President’s FY 2008 budget calls for a $426 million cut in EPA’s overall budget (6% cut from FY 06 appropriations) of $7.2 billion, thus reducing financial support for a wide range of environmental and climate programs. These cuts include:

* $35.0 million cut in the State and Local Air Quality Management Grant (16% cut from FY 06 appropriations) to $185 million
* $31.3 million cut in Enhancing Science and Research objectives under the Clean Air & Global Climate Change Goal (24% cut from FY 06 appropriations) to $98 million
* $12.0 million cut in the overall Clean Air & Global Climate Change Program (1% cut from FY 06 appropriations) to $912 million
* $8.4 million cut in the Climate Protection Program (8% cut from FY 06 appropriations) to $101 million
*Includes $5.5 million cut in the Energy Star efficiency program (11% cut from FY 06 appropriations) to $44 million. Energy Star is the Administrations leading voluntary program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant Program, which is focused on reducing particulate matter from existing diesel engines, is authorized at $200 million annually (2007-2011) by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. However, the EPA’s budget request was just $50 million for FY 07 and only $35 million for FY 08, equaling 25% and 18% of the authorized amounts, respectively.

The 1.3% cut in the Clean Air & Global Climate Change Program is the result of budget cuts in various air quality objectives. Despite the cuts, there have been funding increases or continuations of other projects in the Program. These include:

$35.0 million allocation to the Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant Program
$12.0 million increase in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Intensity objectives (11% increase from FY 06 appropriations) to $123 million
$5.0 million allocation for the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (new initiative in budget)
$185.0 million request for State and Local Air Quality Management
$4.4 million request for the Methane to Markets voluntary efficiency program

The table below compares the President’s FY 08 EPA budget request to previous years’ requests and FY 06 appropriations for the total EPA budget and the Clean Air and Global Climate Change Program (13% of total EPA budget).


EPA Budget: FY 2006-08 Budget Requests and FY 2007 Appropriation


(dollars in thousands)

FY 2006 Budget Request

FY 2006 Appropriation

FY 2007 Budget Request

FY 2008 Budget Request

Clean Air & Global Climate Change Program











Total EPA Budget



