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USDA, DOE Announces $18 Million Solicitation for Biomass Research and Development
On June 11, 2007, the Departments of Energy and Agriculture announced that they will provide up to $18 million, for FY07, to support research and development of biobased products, biofuels, bioenergy and related processes.
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Value-Added Producer Grant Solicitation
On April 16, 2007, the Rural Business-Cooperative Service at the US Department of Agriculture announced the availability of approximately $19.3 million for Value-Added Producer Grants (Sec. 6401 of the 2002 Farm Bill).
US Forest Service Awards 26 Biomass Utilization Grants
On March 20, 2007 Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns announced awards of $6.2 million in grants to small businesses and community groups for research and innovation in the utilization of woody biomass including renewable energy. Applications received by the Forest Service totaled 93 and more than $20 million in funding support.
Six Cellulosic Ethanol Plants to Receive Up to $385 Million in Federal Funding From DOE
WASHINGTON, D.C., On February 28, 2007 Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Samuel W. Bodman announced that DOE will fund six biorefinery projects over the next four years with up to $385 million in federal funds, which combined with the industry cost share will result in investment of more than $1.2 billion in these projects.
Bioenergy Funding Opportunity
Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications (ELSI) of Research on Alternative Bioenergy Technologies, Synthetic Genomics, or Nanotechnologies
USDA Forest Service Woody Biomass Utilization Strategy
Help USDA Forest Service shape its Woody Biomass Strategy.
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