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    The House Committee on Appropriations reported the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill of 2008 (H.R. 2641, H. Rept. 110-85) out of Committee on June 6. The House Bill appropriates $1.87 billion for Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE/RE) programs for FY 2008, $640 million (52%) more than the Administration's FY 2008 request of $1.23 billion and $400 million more than FY 07 enacted. On June 19 and 20 the bill was considered on the House floor, but final passage has not occurred pending attachment of earmarks.

    Thirty-five amendments were considered, three of which directly related to EE/RE. An amendment by Rep. Campbell (R-CA) to cut the Low-income Weatherization program by $101,550,000 to $144,000,000 was defeated 107-320. Rep. Campbell said, “It is one of those things on that list of programs that a number of people have that are saying these are some of the most inefficient programs in the Federal Government today, and this is one of them that certainly should be reduced or perhaps eliminated." Rep. Olver (D-MA) responded by saying, “Oddly enough, the gentleman from California chooses to attack the one program that gives direct help to low-income households in this country.

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