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Tracking Transportation Investments in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act
On the Hill in March and April 2024: A Breakdown of Climate, Energy, and Environmental Hearings
The State of Play for Public Transit
The Economic Returns of a National Transportation Infrastructure Initiative
Advancing Mobility Sustainably: Ridesourcing and Public Transport Together
The Transportation Clock is Ticking: Impacts, Risks, and Solutions
Public Transportation Investment: Spurring Local Economies and Preparing for Higher Gas Prices
Fact Sheet | Climate Jobs (2024)
Issue Brief | Autonomous Vehicles: State of the Technology and Potential Role as a Climate Solution
Fact Sheet | Jobs in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Resilience (2019)
Issue Brief | Trump FY2018 ‘Skinny’ Budget Proposal
Fact Sheet | Clean and Green School Buses
Clean Energy EXPO 2024: Sustainable Transportation
Clean Energy EXPO 2023: Accelerating Sustainable Transportation
Briefing Series: By Air, Land, and Sea: Navigating the Climate Future
Public Transit, Walking, and Biking
National Plan Aims to Eliminate Transportation Emissions
Q&A: Charging Towards Electric Heavy-Duty Transportation
Off the Rails: How America Can Revitalize Its Railroads
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