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On the Hill in March and April 2024: A Breakdown of Climate, Energy, and Environmental Hearings
Fact Sheet | Proposals to Reduce Fossil Fuel Subsidies (January 2024)
Future Fuels: Can Biofuels Make Gasoline Cleaner, Cheaper?
[Webinar] The 40th Anniversary of the Oil Embargo: Lessons and Significance
Heating with Biomass: Win-Win for Households, Economic Development, Energy Security
Transatlantic Perspectives on Shale Gas Development
State Energy Programs and Their Economic Impacts
Fact Sheet | Climate, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Fossil Fuels (2021)
Fact Sheet | Fossil Fuel Subsidies: A Closer Look at Tax Breaks and Societal Costs (2019)
The 40th Anniversary of the Oil Embargo and Climate Change
Fact Sheet | Shale Gas and Oil Terminology Explained: Technology, Inputs & Operations
Briefing Series: Alternative Transportation Fuels
Fossil Fuels
Q&A: How Measuring the Differences Between Barrels of Oil Improves Climate Policy
Ethanol Can Help Reduce Toxic Gasoline Aromatics
Reducing Methane Emissions Through Certification Systems: A Q&A with Lara Owens
Plugging Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells Provides Climate and Jobs Benefits
New Rules Limiting Methane Leakages Will Play Key Role in Slowing Climate Change
New Ozone Regulations Ignore Tailpipe Exhaust
EESI Welcomes Action on Methane from Oil and Gas Sector
More Action Needed to Address Health Impacts of Climate Change
EPA Models Could Result in Higher Ozone and Air Toxic Levels
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