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Looking to COP29, Here’s Where Key Past COP Announcements Stand
Funding the Future: The Impact of Federal Clean Energy Investments
Updates from Rural America
Energy Earthshots: The Frontier of Climate Innovation
The State of Play for Nuclear Energy in the United States
Investments in Clean Energy and Transportation Innovations in the Federal and Private Sectors
Fact Sheet | Renew America’s Nonprofits Grant Program (June 2023)
Fact Sheet | Energy Efficiency Standards for Appliances, Lighting and Equipment (2017)
Issue Brief | Trump FY2018 ‘Skinny’ Budget Proposal
Issue Brief | Summarizing Recent Governmental Climate Change Publications
Midwestern Agricultural Landscapes and Ecosystems Services: Problems and Opportunities
Support for energy efficiency
Energy 101
Tracking Electric Vehicle Investments in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and Inflation Reduction Act
Minnesota Joins 20 Other States in Pursuit of 100 Percent Clean Energy
Federal Programs Reduce Emissions by Improving Energy Efficiency
NRDC Report Urges Congress to Incorporate the Climate Crisis in DOE’s Authorizing Legislation
7.8 Inside DOE’s Newest Office on Artificial Intelligence
EESI Executive Director Testifies Before Senate on Energy Efficiency
Obama Administration Releases FY 2011 Budget: Broad Support for Clean Energy Measures
Obama Administration Releases FY 2010 Budget
DOE FY 2010 Budget Request Increases Funding for EE/RE Programs
DOE Announces up to $200 Million in Funding for Biorefineries
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