A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues


September 7, 2012


"Farm Bill Now" Rally

The current Farm Bill is due to expire September 30. The future of federal food, agriculture, and nutrition programs is awaiting Congressional action. The Senate has passed its version, and the House Agriculture Committee has completed work on its version. With only eight legislative days scheduled for this month, will the House leadership bring the bill to the floor?

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The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico Shrinks; Will Perennial Biomass Crops Help Keep It That Way?

With an extreme drought across the nation’s agricultural heartland, Mother Nature has been able to accomplish in one extremely dry summer what conservationists have been trying to do for decades: restore oxygen and life to the waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. While the shrunken dead zone is something to celebrate, it has come at a very great price. Expanding the use of agricultural practices to reduce nutrient pollution, including the establishment of conservation biomass energy crops, offer a far better way to clean up the Gulf and make agricultural production more sustainable.

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Help Support EESI in Community Giving Challenge: All It Takes Is Your Vote

If you appreciate receiving this kind of information for free, please take a moment to help win some much needed support for EESI. EESI is participating in the Chase Community Giving challenge. We need your vote (and your friends’ votes) to help us win $20,000!

EESI is participating in the Chase Community Giving challenge, and we need your help to win $20,000! To keep this free, weekly newsletter coming your way, please vote for EESI on Facebook, and for our partners, the Environmental Law Institute. Chase customers can also log in and vote at ChaseGiving.com. Thank you!


Writer: Ned Stowe




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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.