A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues



Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

The renewable energy sector has been one of the few bright spots in the economy over the past two years, growing rapidly and adding jobs – thanks to supportive federal policies. However, when President Obama recently called upon Congress to support his administration’s plan to stimulate the economy and preserve and create more jobs, recommendations to expand federal support for renewable energy were largely missing. Bioenergy and other renewable energy investments offer tremendous potential. Congress and the administration should give federal renewable energy policies and incentives a second look.

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Will Agriculture Energy Programs Be Preserved?

The bipartisan Congressional “super-committee” has begun meeting to discuss how to reduce the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion or more over the next decade. Which programs will they cut? Which will they keep? All congressional committees have been encouraged to submit their suggestions for deficit reduction to the “super-committee” by October 14.

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Job-Creating Renewable Energy Grant Program to Expire Unless Congress Acts

Renewable energy is one of the fastest growing global markets. This is the sector in which millions of new jobs and new technologies will be developed over the next decade. Will the United States be a leader and exporter or a follower and importer?

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Investing in District Energy Brings Jobs and Energy Savings

District energy is a great way to reduce both the costs and environmental impacts of energy use on campuses, in communities, or in central urban districts. Investing in new systems now will generate jobs when they are needed most and energy savings and emissions reductions for decades to come. An increasing number of new district energy systems are taking advantage of locally-produced renewable energy.

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USDA and DOE Announce Funding for Hundreds of Job-Creating Projects

Over the past three months, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) have announced funding for hundreds of job-creating rural energy and bioenergy projects. When matched with private resources, these public investments will generate hundreds of millions of dollars in new investment, creating jobs and advancing the nation’s economic, energy, environmental, and climate security.

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Upcoming Event: October 5: Pentagon's Combined Federal Campaign Season Kick-Off Event

EESI, a participating member of the Combined Federal Campaign workplace giving program, will have a table at the Pentagon's CFC Kick-Off Charity Fair this year on October 5. If you work at the Pentagon, please stop by our table from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM next Wednesday! And remember, Federal employees and members of the military can designate EESI in the Combined Federal Campaign with CFC #10627.


Writer: Ned Stowe




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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.