A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues


September 21, 2012


Should the Renewable Fuel Standard Be Waived? EPA Extends Public Comment Period

A number of governors have petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to waive the Renewable Fuel Standard in the wake of the devastating heat wave and drought which covered much of the United States this year and reduced the size of this year’s corn crop. The EPA has extended the period for public comment on the waiver request. EESI has published an issue brief exploring some of the related issues.

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EESI Joins Letter Opposing Paying for Drought Disaster Aid with Cuts to Conservation Programs

In early August, the House passed a bill to provide drought disaster assistance that would be paid for with cuts to conservation programs. The Senate is not expected to act on this bill. EESI joined with a coalition of groups to oppose attaching similar language to other must-pass legislation.

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House Delays Farm Bill Debate Until After Elections

Despite the fact that many of the provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill expire on September 30 (including the energy title), the House has adjourned until after the elections without taking action either to extend the current law or to pass a new five-year Farm Bill. The House Agriculture Committee completed its work on the Farm Bill on July 12. The leadership promised to return after the elections to resolve outstanding differences.

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50th Edition of SBFF: Comments, Suggestions Welcome

This is the 50th edition of Sustainable Bioenergy, Farms, and Forests. Please let us know what you think.

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Writer: Ned Stowe




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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.