VW Scandal Raises Doubts over Clean Diesel and Lab-Based Emissions Testing

On September 22, Volkswagen Motors (VW) admitted that it had cheated on emissions testing in Europe and the United States, by installing a piece of software known as a ‘defeat device’ in diesel cars.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) levelled accusations against the car maker last Friday.  While VW initially insisted the finding was a fluke, VW now acknowledges that the software is likely installed on 11 million passenger vehicles – most of them in Europe – which may have emitted up to 40 times the allowable levels of nitrous dioxide (NO2), an ozone forming compound. Now some are wondering if “clean diesel” is as dubious as “clean coal”.   

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Senate Democrats Unveil Energy, Climate Priorities in Their Own Energy Bill

On September 22, Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) unveiled the American Energy Innovation Act of 2015.  The bill represents Democratic priorities for emission reduction goals and is a mixture of tax policy reform (including cutting oil subsidies), efficiency standards and R&D to grow the zero- and low-carbon economy.  The bill is currently cosponsored by 28 Democrats and is largely a response to the bipartisan Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015, which passed out of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee earlier this summer and is the first comprehensive energy legislation since 2007.

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1. Nation nears wildfire record with more than 9 million acres burned

2. UN data shows ethanol not causing food price increases

3. Global Biofuels Capacity to Grow to 61B Gallons by 2018

4. Algae Found in Yellowstone that Could Treat Wastewater Effectively

5. Opinion: Climate Change and Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities








1) Offshore Wind: Can the U.S. Catch Up with Europe?

Monday, September 28
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
406 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Constitution Avenue and 1st Street, NE

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing examining the role of offshore wind domestically and internationally. Wind blows more powerfully and steadily over water than land, enabling offshore wind farms to generate a greater amount of consistent electricity than their onshore counterparts. Despite its benefits, the offshore wind industry is still in its nascent phase in the United States, where there are currently no operational offshore wind farms. What is the future of offshore wind in the United States? Can the U.S. offshore wind industry match Europe's success?

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2) How Are States Planning to Comply With the Clean Power Plan?

Tuesday, September 29
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
334 Cannon House Office Building
Independence Avenue SE and 1st Street, SE

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing discussing how states are planning to comply with the Clean Power Plan, which limits carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from existing power plants. Under the authority of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Power Plan represents the first time the United States has placed limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, currently the nation’s largest source of carbon pollution. Now that the final version has been released, what are the best compliance strategies for states to meet the emission reduction goals, and what kind of assistance will EPA be able to provide?

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3) 8th Annual Renewable Energy Finance Forum-West 
November 5-6, 2015
San Francisco, CA
EESI is a sponsoring organization

With a focus on renewable energy development in the Western U.S., REFF-West will highlight financing trends in renewable power, energy storage, system integration, and transportation; review important developments in Western power market expansion and in the role of the emerging corporate customer market segment; and discuss renewable energy’s role in smarter resource use and response to the Western water crisis.

Visit www.reffwest.com to register now!


To Contact the Editor: Jessie Stolark at [email protected]

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