A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues


October 7, 2011

EPA Biogenic Carbon Emissions Panel to Begin Work

Do bioenergy systems (biofuel, biopower, bioheat) contribute to or mitigate climate change? The prevailing assumption in federal policies, up until this point, has been that bioenergy systems are, more or less, as climate-friendly and renewable as other renewable energy sources, and, thus, bioenergy is a suitable substitute for climate-damaging fossil fuels. However, this assumption has been questioned in recent years, and the EPA has proposed an “accounting framework for biogenic CO2 emissions from stationary sources.” Now the EPA is seeking scientific peer review of its framework.

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DOE Technology Review Would Shift Research Priorities

The Department of Energy (DOE) released its first Quadrennial Technology Review, identifying the technology areas in which focused DOE research and development (R&D) could make the biggest difference advancing nation’s economic and energy security in the years ahead. In the transportation energy sector, the QTR would give greater emphasis to improving vehicle efficiency and vehicle electrification technologies, and would give less emphasis to biofuels R&D. In the biofuel area, the QTR would focus R&D resources on drop-in biofuels, shifting away from ethanol.

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More Job-Creating Biomass Crop Projects Announced Recently

Over the summer, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the establishment of nine new biomass production project areas across the U.S. as part of the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP). The USDA estimates that more than 7,000 jobs will be created when these projects are fully underway. However, the agency is rapidly running out of funds for new project areas, and the House has zeroed out funding for the program for FY12.

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Study of Economic and Environmental Impacts of Renewable Fuel Standard Released

Can the Renewable Fuel Standard goals be achieved? Will advanced biofuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts? What will it cost? These are the questions that the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Economic and Environmental Impacts of Increasing Biofuels Production sought to answer in its just released report.

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Writer: Ned Stowe




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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.