EIA Reports Ethanol Use Has Lowered Gasoline’s Energy Content – Only Half of the Story

On October 27, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that the use of ten percent ethanol in the gasoline supply has lowered gasoline energy’s content by three percent in a 20 year period.  According to EIA, while the use of oxygenate additives, like ethanol have “reduced air pollution, they also resulted in lower heating value compared with conventional gasoline, translating to fewer miles per gallon, because they have lower energy density.” While it is true that ethanol has an ‘energy penalty’ as compared to gasoline, this tells only half the story. 

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Study Finds Use of Biodiesel Lowers Tailpipe Emissions

On October 29, the Mineta National Transit Research Consortium, a U.S. Department of Transportation Center for Excellence, released a peer-reviewed study that examines the emissions profile of a bus fleet run on a biodiesel blend.  Their study, Combustion Chemistry of Biodiesel for Use in Urban Transport Buses: Experiment and Modeling, found a significant reduction in the mass of particulate matter emitted by buses running on biodiesel blends.  

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Event: Green Lands Blue Waters 2014 Conference

NOVEMBER 19 – 20, 2014   ,

The conference is sponsored by Green Lands Blue Waters and the Agricultural Watershed Institute
EESI is a supporting organization

Bioenergy and Sustainable Agriculture: Perennial Biomass Crops for Multiple Benefits

The 2014 Green Lands Blue Waters conference will focus on the role that perennial biomass crops can play.  Green Lands Blue Waters supports the development of a multi-functioning agriculture system in the Mississippi River basin, particularly through the use of continuous living cover. This unique event will bring together individuals and organizations interested in the benefits that can be achieved through perennial biomass crops including renewable energy, clean water, wildlife habitat, soil health, and greenhouse gas reductions in addition to creating a more sustainable agricultural system.  At the conference, technologies, logistics, markets, obstacles and opportunities for perennial biomass crops will be explored.  Finding a balance between biomass production and environmental production, particularly in the Mississippi River basin will also be discussed.  

For more information, please visit http://greenlandsbluewaters.net/2014-conference



Event: Renewable Energy Latin America & Caribbean Workshop, Conference & Exhibition (RELACCx)

ACORE and the Latin American and Caribbean Council on Renewable Energy Conference & Workshop

NOVEMBER 19 - 21, 2014

EESI is a supporting organization

Advancing Renewable Energy in Latin America and Integrated Farm Energy Systems Workshop (11/19)

This workshop will cover the integrated approach of  iF8PS – Farm, Forest, Food, Feed, Fertilizer, Fuels, Feedstock for Chemicals (biochemicals), and Power Systems.  These industries, while interconnected, are not integrated to maximize both the benefits to society and profits. In iF8PS, integrated systems closely work with natural systems while minimizing carbon footprints and creating meaningful community benefits that include local energy security, renewable fuels, healthier lifestyles and living spaces, humane animal husbandry practices and sustainable medium-scale farming. The iF8PS concept has the ability to create self-reliant, sustainable and healthy communities, as well as address the growing challenges posed by disaster and humanitarian relief needs. Generous support for this workshop has been provided by Agro Energy, Renew the Earth, the Club de Madrid and the P80 Group Foundation.

Speakers for the workshop will include:

  • Scott Sklar, President, the Stella Group
  • David Hallberg, President, Prime Biosolutions LLC
  • Dave Blume, owner, Blume Distallation LLC, author of ‘Alcohol Can Be a Gas’

The conference (11/20 – 11/21) will focus on renewable energy finance and development for Latin American and the Caribbean. Investors, developers, consultants and renewable energy businesses will share current challenges and opportunities in the development, regulation and financing of renewable energy. For more information, including registration and hotel details please visit www.relaccx.com.




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Past issues are available at www.eesi.org/sbff_archives. Free email subscriptions are available here. Contact the editor, Jessie Stolark, at [email protected].



The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.