A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues


October 17, 2014




Grand Opening of Second U.S. Cellulosic Ethanol Plant in as Many Months

On October 17, Secretary of Energy Dr. Ernest Moniz, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, Kansas Senator Pat Roberts, former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, and Abengoa CEO Manuel Sanchez Ortega gathered to celebrate the grand opening of Abengoa’s commercial-scale advanced cellulosic ethanol plant in Hugoton, KS. The cellulosic industry has had a lot to celebrate lately: Abengoa’s facility is the second U.S. cellulosic ethanol refinery to open in the last two months, with Poet-DSM’s Project Liberty having opened in September in Emmetsburg, IA, and DuPont is putting the finishing touches on their cellulosic facility in Nevada, IA. For an industry whose detractors have long derided its ‘phantom fuels’, the arrival of cellulosic ethanol was a long time coming. This is a watershed moment for the growing bioeconomy – signaling the transition of biofuels beyond the ‘corn belt’ to diverse regions of the United States and into an expanding array of bioproducts, such as plastics, chemicals and jet fuel.

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RFS Roundup: 31 Refinery Execs Write to White House to Uphold Reduced Renewable Fuels Standard

On October 14, the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) sent a letter to President Obama in support of EPA’s proposed 16 percent reduction of the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS). Throughout the letter, the industry executives evoke the E10 “blend wall” – the amount of fuel that can be blended into the existing transportation fuel supply without changes to retail gasoline station and vehicle infrastructure – as their main argument. Signed by 31 oil and gas executives, it urges the administration to stick with the original reduction, which “maintained ethanol’s market share, addressed the issue of the E10 blend wall, and provided cellulosic biofuel growth.”  

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Event: Renewable Energy Latin America & Caribbean Workshop, Conference & Exhibition (RELACCx)

ACORE and the Latin American and Caribbean Council on Renewable Energy Conference & Workshop

NOVEMBER 19 - 21, 2014

(EESI is a supporting organization)

Advancing Renewable Energy in Latin America and Integrated Farm Energy Systems Workshop (11/19)

This workshop will cover the integrated approach of  iF8PS – Farm, Forest, Food, Feed, Fertilizer, Fuels, Feedstock for Chemicals (biochemicals), and Power Systems.  These industries, while interconnected, are not integrated to maximize both the benefits to society and profits. In iF8PS, integrated systems closely work with natural systems while minimizing carbon footprints and creating meaningful community benefits that include local energy security, renewable fuels, healthier lifestyles and living spaces, humane animal husbandry practices and sustainable medium-scale farming. The iF8PS concept has the ability to create self-reliant, sustainable and healthy communities, as well as address the growing challenges posed by disaster and humanitarian relief needs. Generous support for this workshop has been provided by Agro Energy, Renew the Earth, the Club de Madrid and the P80 Group Foundation.

Speakers for the workshop will include:

  • Scott Sklar, President, the Stella Group
  • David Hallberg, President, Prime Biosolutions LLC
  • Dave Blume, owner, Blume Distallation LLC, author of ‘Alcohol Can Be a Gas’

The conference (11/20 – 11/21) will focus on renewable energy finance and development for Latin American and the Caribbean. Investors, developers, consultants and renewable energy businesses will share current challenges and opportunities in the development, regulation and financing of renewable energy. For more information, including registration and hotel details please visit www.relaccx.com.



To Contact the Editor: Jessie Stolark at [email protected]

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