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November 5, 2013
A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues
Farewell to Ned
Ned Stowe, who has been our Sustainable Biomass and Energy Policy Associate since 2009, is leaving EESI to pursue new opportunities. He will be missed here, and we wish him the very best in his new endeavors!
Sustainable Bioenergy, Farms, and Forests will go on hiatus temporarily. If you haven't already subscribed to Climate Change News, our other weekly newsletter, please consider doing so!
Should the Renewable Fuel Standard Be Reformed?
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is meeting many of its goals – improving energy security, stimulating rural economic development, and reducing climate pollution from transportation fuels. Although many problems have risen along the way and the policy has fallen short of meeting some of its goals, the EPA has the authority and flexibility to deal with most of these. Building upon the success of the first five years, the RFS policy’s most significant achievements are yet to come. However, changing the RFS statute now could bring this significant progress to a halt. The end result would be prolonged, dangerous, unhealthy, and environmentally destructive petroleum dependence.
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Writer: Ned Stowe