New Report Highlights Federal Vision for Bioeconomy Going Forward

On February 18, the Biomass Research & Development Board released a new report, “Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy.”  The Biomass R&D board is an interagency collaboration among seven agencies and the White House, all of whom are involved in the development of the bioeconomy. In the report, they outline the “Billion Ton Bioeconomy Vision” with a primary goal of expanding biomass-based fuels, power and products to displace up to 25 percent of fossil-based transportation fuels, supply 50 billion pounds of bio-based products and generate 85 billion kWh of electricity. Driving this goal is the anticipation of a sustainable supply of one billion tons of biomass in the United States by 2030.

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Obama’s $10-a-Barrel Oil Tax Sees Steep Congressional Opposition

On March 3, Senator Murkowski (R-AK), released an analysis from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) on President Obama’s proposed $10.25-a-barrel tax on crude oil, which would be applied to transportation infrastructure and investments in public transportation. Although lawmakers passed a $305 billion surface transportation reauthorization bill in December, Congress failed to raise the 18.4 cent per gallon gas tax, even as consumer gasoline prices dip below $2 per gallon.

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1. IKEA joins advanced bioeconomy with Bioplastics Deal

2. USDA Awards Loan Guarantee to Biogas Project in Oregon

3. Low Oil Prices Soften the Wood Fiber Market

4. US Ethanol Production Sets Records in 2015

5. Best Regions for Growing Cellulosic Bioenergy Crops Identified




Upcoming EESI Briefings:

1. The 2017 Budget: Impacts on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Wednesday, March 9
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

HVC-215 Capitol Visitor Center (House side)
East Capitol Street and 1st Street, NE

Please RSVP to expedite check-in 

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)—in partnership with the House and Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucuses—invites you to a briefing on the energy efficiency and renewable energy provisions of the President's budget request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017. Speakers from the Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and the Congressional Research Service (CRS) will give an overview of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE) budget request, explain the EERE Office budget priorities, and provide context on how these priorities and trends compare to prior years.


2. Geothermal Energy: Heating Up

Wednesday, March 16
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

212-10 Capitol Visitor Center (Senate-Side)
East Capitol Street and 1st Street, NE 

Please RSVP to expedite check-in 

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) invite you to a briefing highlighting the state of the geothermal energy industry and its near-term prospects in the United States and in more than 80 other countries working to expand its use. With demand for clean energy accelerating around the globe, geothermal energy has major potential as a renewable resource that can provide power around-the-clock, complementing intermittent renewable power technologies. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) launched the Global Geothermal Alliance at COP-21 in Paris this past December to achieve a 500 percent increase in global installed capacity for geothermal power generation and a 200 percent increase in geothermal heating by 2030.


3. Sustainable Affordable Housing: Saving Energy, Saving Lives 

Monday, March 21
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

122 Cannon House Office Building
Independence Avenue SE and 1st Street, SE

Please RSVP to expedite check-in 

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invites you to a briefing about energy efficient, “green” affordable housing and how it is improving health and safety in distressed communities while providing economic and environmental benefits to states. This is the second in a series of EESI briefings examining environmental justice as it relates to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Clean Power Plan (CPP), the nation's first-ever regulation limiting carbon pollution from power plants. This briefing will show how sustainable affordable housing can save money for low-income families and strengthen community resilience while serving as a CPP compliance strategy.


Other Events: 

1. 2016 ACORE Renewable Energy Policy Forum

March 16-17 in Washington, DC

EESI is a supporting organization

Use Discount code SPT20EESI when you register to recieve a 20% discount

This year’s Renewable Energy Policy Forum takes place as seismic developments in national and global policies are reshaping the renewable energy marketplace. In December, Congress enacted a major new tax package offering long-sought stability to the wind and solar power industries. Just two weeks earlier, 129 nations at the COP21 U.N. climate meetings in Paris reached agreement on an unprecedented global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Taken together, these developments are a source of immense promise for the future of renewable energy in the United States and around the world.


2. Economic Diversification in Coal-Reliant Regions - Free Webinar 

March 22
2 - 3 pm ET

Join the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation for this free webinar. The decline of the coal industry is having major ramifications in communities and regions across the country that have been historically reliant upon this energy source for jobs, a tax base, and sense of identity.  In light of these changes, many coal-reliant communities are seeking opportunities to diversify and strengthen their economies through a variety of place-based efforts that tap into local and regional assets. Two regions that participated in the 2015 ‘Coal-Reliant Communities Innovation Challenge’ will present on how they are proactively moving forward with diversification strategies and goals. 


To Contact the Editor: Jessie Stolark at [email protected]

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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions. EESI’s work, including this free newsletter, is made possible by financial support from people like you. Please help us continue to make it available by making a secure, online donation today or mailing a check to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute at 1112 16th St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. You can also learn more about why you should give to EESI for clean energy. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Williams by email at swilliams [at] or by phone at 202-662-1887. Thank you for your support!