EESI Cheers Lowering Ozone Levels, But Asks EPA to Broaden the Scope

On March 17, comments closed on EPA’s proposal to lower the ozone limit from 75 parts per billion (ppb) to somewhere between 65 to 70 ppb. In comments to the agency, EESI fully supported the agency’s lowering of the 8-hr standard for ozone, but asked the agency to consider more fully the role that fuel quality may play in the formation of ozone precursors and other air toxics.  Additionally, EESI raised concerns about potential flaws in the newly redesigned modelling tool that state regulators are required to use when crafting their State Implementation Plans (SIPs) for ozone and other criteria air pollutants.

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RFS Update: As Presidential Hopefuls Visit Iowa, It’s More Than Just Corn On Display

The past several weeks have seen several presidential hopefuls ‘flip-flopping’ their previously negative position on ethanol.  Just last week, Governors Jeb Bush (R-FL) and Scott Walker (R-WI) indicated their sudden change of heart on corn-based ethanol. Previously negative on the first generation biofuel, Bush commented to Iowans last week that the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) “has worked, for sure.” The position of Iowa as the first Presidential caucus state has led some pundits to rehash the claim that the RFS continues to exist only because of this position.  And while this political theater around corn ethanol makes for good reading material – Iowa loves solar, wind and advanced fuels too – and should serve as an example to any Presidential hopeful of what a diverse energy future in the United States looks like.

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1. Colorado Company Plans to convert Sawdust & Pine Needles into Jet Fuel 

2. Bill Introduced in Minnesota Legislature to Incentivize Biomass, Biofuels, Biobased-Chemicals 

3. Oregon Governor Removes Sunset Date From State’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard







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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.