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January 25, 2019
Review Finds No Consensus Among Fuel Studies – Major Implications for Health, Air Quality
A recent review of nearly 100 different peer-reviewed vehicle emission studies, by the independent consulting group Future Fuel Strategies, found that there is no consensus in the literature regarding the health effects of ethanol-blended fuel. Despite the fact that ethanol is a cleaner-burning fuel than gasoline, the reviewers conclude that conflicting and negative results in the literature have brought confusion about the potential benefits of ethanol-blended fuels, and reluctance from policymakers and the public to embrace the fuel. According to Future Fuel consultant Tammy Klein, “It’s time to take another look at ethanol’s emissions because what we find may be surprising.”
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1. Ethanol Trade Group Asks EPA to Separate E15 Provisions, RIN Reform in Rulemaking 2. The Curious Politics of the Proposed USDA Relocation 3. As Climate Warms, Plants Will Absorb Less CO₂, Study Finds 4. Agrivoltaics: Solar Panels on Farms Could Be a Win-Win 5. Wood, not Corn, May Be New York’s Renewable Fuel Future
Upcoming Events:
1) The Multiple Benefits of Federal Housing and Energy Programs
Friday, February 8 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Room 2168 Rayburn House Office Building Independence Avenue SW and South Capitol Street SW
Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invite you to a "101" briefing about federal programs that reduce housing and energy cost burdens for people in need. National policy experts who interact closely with state and local organizations will provide an overview of key programs, including statutory authority and appropriations, and how they impact the lives of recipients. Panelists will discuss how energy efficiency services result in lower home energy bills, which is critical for low-income families that spend a greater percentage of their income on energy.
2) NASEO 2019 Energy Policy Outlook Conference
EESI is a supporting sponsor for the NASEO 2019 Energy Policy Outlook Conference. This year's conference will examine the key policies and initiatives needed to drive modernization and resilience across our energy infrastructure – grid, pipelines, buildings, transportation. Join top state and federal energy policymakers and private sector leaders from around the country on February 5-8, 2019 in Washington, D.C. for in-depth discussions of the critical investments needed for strong, reliable, and affordable grid, transportation, and buildings systems, as well as the latest news from the 116th Congress and the Administration.
3) Storage Week
San Francisco
February 25-27
EESI is a supporting organization for Storage Week, which will be held February 25-27 in San Francisco, CA. Join senior executives and active financiers at the forefront of behind-the-meter and grid-connected storage system deployment and explore the road to bankable projects during this event, now in its twelfth year. Take a deep dive into the structure of standalone and co-located storage projects, and assess the opportunities that will emerge via state targets, new rules in organized markets, and the needs of new customer classes.
Use the 190849 code for a 10% discount after January 11.
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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions. EESI’s work, including this free newsletter, is made possible by financial support from people like you. Please help us continue to make it available by making a secure, online donation today or mailing a check to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute at 1112 16th St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036. You can also learn more about why you should give to EESI for clean energy. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Williams by email at swilliams [at] or by phone at 202-662-1887. Thank you for your support!