A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues


December 16, 2011

Your Charitable Contribution will Help EESI Advance Sustainable Bioenergy, Farm, and Forestry Policies!

Please remember EESI in your year-end giving plans. The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is an independent nonprofit organization that depends on your contributions to bring you timely, credible information on climate change. Please make a year-end gift to EESI today; we have received Charity Navigator's four-star ranking for four consecutive years, so you know your donation will be managed effectively. Thank you for your support!



More USDA Job-Creating, Renewable and Energy Saving Projects Announced

While Congress has been unable to agree on how best to get America back to work and advance energy security, the USDA Rural Development program is proceeding to implement a tried and proven method: the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).

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Improving Resource Productivity Key to Meeting Future Human Needs

The 20th century was characterized by surging population and global economic output and declining resource prices (food, energy, water, materials). The start of the 21st century finds surging population and resource prices and stalling global economic output. Resource prices and price volatility are likely to keep increasing in the years ahead. However, a recent McKinsey Global Institute report finds that increasing resource productivity can play a critical role in moderating future resource demand.

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Writer: Ned Stowe




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The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus. EESI is dedicated to finding innovative environmental and energy solutions.