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April 27, 2012
A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues
Senate Agriculture Committee Approves Farm Bill with Mandatory Energy Investment
The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry completed its mark-up of the Farm Bill reauthorization on April 26. The bill includes mandatory funding for a number of programs to advance bioenergy, bio-based products, energy efficiency, and other forms of renewable energy. The bill moves next to the Senate floor for debate later this spring.
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EESI Briefing Highlights U.S. Biogas Potential
Renewable natural gas, produced from landfills, wastewater treatment plants, and other urban and agricultural residue streams, could meet from four percent to ten percent of current national demand for natural gas. This is just one interesting fact from a recent EESI briefing presentation.
White House Releases Blueprint for Bioeconomy
The White House has released a broad blueprint for the nation’s bioeconomy – describing ways the federal government can help develop and advance a broad range of new, cutting edge technologies, from bioenergy and bio-based products to health care.
Writer: Ned Stowe