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April 20, 2012
A weekly look at sustainable bioenergy, farm, and forest policy issues
Methane Pollution from Human Activities: Capture It, Convert It, Count It
Next to carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) is the second largest source of human greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in the United States (in terms of Global Warming Potential). Much of it is biomethane emitted from landfills, livestock manure management, and sewage. Capturing it and converting it to useful energy can address multiple economic, energy, environmental and climate concerns. But counting the production and use of biomethane for the purposes of meeting climate pollution reduction goals requires more care, according to the California Energy Commission.
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Briefing: Renewable Gas, Hydropower, and Geothermal
EESI invites you to a Congressional briefing to learn more about these renewable energy resources which often do not receive much attention and yet are in plentiful supply across the United States.
Denmark and the United States: Can One Inspire the Other on Climate and Energy?
As a U.S. House appropriations panel votes to cut funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy research and development and the U.S. Congress worries about what to do about rising gasoline prices and energy insecurity, Denmark is uniting politically behind a bold plan to end its dependence on fossil fuels. Improving energy efficiency and expanding renewable energy (including bioenergy) are key.
Briefing: Creating Policies for Jobs and Business Success at the Water/Energy/Climate Nexus
The Royal Danish Embassy and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) invite you to a Congressional forum focused on how Denmark, which currently holds the Presidency of the European Union (EU), is meeting the economic, environmental, and energy challenges of the 21st Century.
EPA Science Advisory Board Biogenic Emissions Panel: Next Teleconferences
The EPA Science Advisory Board Biogenic Emissions Panel is expected to complete its work soon, but not before two more public teleconferences in May. Now is the time to offer specific scientific or technical comments on the draft report and EPA’s proposed greenhouse gas accounting framework.
Writer: Ned Stowe