Table Of Contents

    Welcome to another edition of Climate Change Solutions!

    Today, learn how communities are addressing wildfires through mitigation planning and mass timber products and see new solutions for decarbonizing the economy.

    On the Hill, find the latest Congressional work towards a green recovery from COVID-19 as well as insight into a recent hearing on offshore renewable energy technology

    Also featured, a recap of EESI's recent Workforce Wednesday briefings on conservation corps and energy transitions in coal country, and be sure to check-out our latest perspective on how new refrigeration technologies are leaving HFCs in the past

    And now for a recap of the latest environmental and energy news:

    Love our work? Forward this newsletter to a friend! Have a climate solution? Reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff with tips and gossip... and be sure to follow us on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and YouTube for great climate content!

    "What is Mass Timber" is a part of a new line of EESI infographics explaining the latest in climate policy and science. Find more infographics, like this one, on our Instagram page here!
    Oregon Lumber Company Showcases New Mass Timber Product, Invests in Sustainability
    [5 min. read]

    Freres Lumber Co., Inc, a small family-owned and operated wood manufacturing company in Oregon, is working to use mass timber products to accomplish sustainability and business goals.

    The lumber company recently created a new mass timber product, the Mass Plywood Panel, that uses 20 to 30 percent less wood than the leading mass timber alternative. Freres Lumber also uses any non-economically viable residuals to generate renewable energy. 

    Click to read more about Freres Lumber's innovative and sustainable approach to mass timber! [click for more]
    New Study Shows Novel Way to Rapidly Decarbonize U.S. Economy
    [4 min. read]

    The COVID-19 pandemic has decimated America’s economy and Rewiring America, a nonprofit that promotes electrification to combat climate change, believes a massive economic mobilization is required.

    In their recent report, Rewiring America models the complete electrification of every U.S. sector to reach total decarbonization by 2035. [click for more]
    Building Wildfire Resilience Through Forest Management and Community Adaption
    [4 min. read]

    In 2020 alone, more than 44,000 wildfires have burned across 11 states and destroyed more than seven million acres of land. As businesses halt and citizens evacuate, policy makers and local leaders around the country are searching for solutions to better protect communities.

    Dr. Kimiko Barrett, a researcher for Headwaters Economics and the Program Coordinator for the Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) project, explains how her program prepares at-risk communities. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    From September 15 to 25, 46 bills addressing environmental issues were referred to committees. The House passed one bill. Additionally, the House passed one resolution and one continuing resolution. The Senate held three hearings on topics relating to the environment, energy, and climate, and the House held seven.


    A surge of renewed interest in energy policy culminated on Thursday with a vote by the House of Representatives to pass H.R.4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. In the Senate, the American Energy Innovation Act (S.2657) still awaits a vote, but senators have other things on their minds, such as a swift but contentious confirmation of the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Negotiations for a new round of emergency pandemic relief would likely take precedence over an energy bill debate during the limited time either chamber is in session between now and the election.

    At stake are a number of achievable climate change solutions, including energy efficiency, energy storage, and research and development activities on a wide range of technologies, as well as grants to weatherize homes of low-income families and initiatives to train and retrain a clean energy workforce for a just transition. Attention will soon shift to the post-election “lame duck” session with all hopes pinned on 11th hour passage (and conference) before the 116th Congress adjourns. 

    Read more highlights and see EESI's full environmental legislative tracker for September 15, 2020 - September 25, 2020 here.

    House Energy and Commerce Committee Explores Potential for Clean, Green Recovery
    [3 min. read]

    With Congress back in session, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing considering the prospects for green investments designed to spur an economic recovery as the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. [click for more]
    Emerging Marine Renewable Energy Tech Highlighted in Senate Hearing, Bill
    [5 min. read]

    Marine hydrokinetic power holds tremendous promise for delivering clean energy to remote communities and positioning the United States as a leader in offshore renewable innovation and export.

    The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing to examine funding and regulatory solutions to build the industry and how the American Energy Innovation Act could help. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings, News and Fact Sheets
    Perspective: HFCs, Potent Greenhouse Gases, Could Be a Thing of the Past
    [3 min. read]

    Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), are synthetic gases used as cooling agents in our refrigerators and air conditioners. Ironically, these same gases are very good at trapping heat in our atmosphere. Read more to see how new refrigeration technologies are leaving HFCs in the past. [click for more]

    Briefing: Workforce Wednesdays: A New Spin on Conservation Corps

    The Civilian Conservation Corps model pioneered as an environmental/workforce solution during the Great Depression is being replicated across the country in more and different projects and settings. Panelists highlighted innovative models expanding access to this time-tested concept, and federal policies and programs that help these programs succeed.  [click for more]

    Briefing: Workforce Wednesdays: Energy Transitions in Coal Country

    Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) joined EESI to welcome a panel discussion on the unique issues facing coal communities in western states. Panelists highlighted workforce development issues and policy solutions for towns and tribes. [click for more]
    Apply to be a Spring 2021 intern!
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    EESI Around Town
    Executive Director Dan Bresette was quoted in an article on grid resilience by the CT Mirror.
    EESI's aviation fact sheet was cited by the Washington Examiner. 
    EESI's energy storage fact sheet was cited in an article by CleanTechnica.
    Upcoming Events
    If you haven't already, tune in to EESI's September briefing series, Workforce Wednesdays!

    Every Wednesday in September, EESI has been holding a free virtual panel on policies and programs promoting a low-carbon workforce. The final briefing in the series is tomorrow, September 30!

    Check out the line-up below and RSVP here!

    September 30:
     Small Businesses & COVID Recovery

    Small business owners and employees have a unique role in building a low-carbon and climate resilient economy. Many small businesses have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 downturn, especially in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Speakers will discuss the challenges faced by small businesses in low-carbon sectors, where federal policies such as the CARES Act worked—or did not work—to alleviate those challenges, and suggestions for the road ahead.

    Thank You to EESI Team Members for Their Contributions to Climate Change Solutions:

    Sydney O'Shaughnessy - Layout, Design, and Content Editor

    Amaury Laporte - Communications Director

    As well as all EESI Staff, Interns, and Fellows who write and review content!
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




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