Table Of Contents

    Welcome to another edition of Climate Change Solutions!

    Today, learn how cities are adapting to COVID-19 through the "Slow Streets" movement and check-out EESI's conversation with the executive director of the oldest and largest conservation corps. 

    On the Hill, see how weather disasters inspire resilient solutions and read EESI's executive director's take on what's in store for clean energy policy for the remainder of the year.

    Also featured, a recap of EESI's recent briefing on green technical education programs in high schools as well as a look into the different solutions to hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant mitigation and management.

    And now for a recap of the latest environmental and energy news:

    Love our work? Forward this newsletter to a friend! Have a climate solution? Reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff with tips and gossip... and be sure to follow us on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and YouTube for great climate content!

    "What is Resilience" is a part of a new line of EESI infographics explaining the latest in climate policy and science--check them all out on our Instagram page here!
    NYC Slow Street Slow Streets Movement Looks to Reimagine Urban Spaces Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
    [4 min. read]

    In an effort to find ways to encourage social distancing during COVID-19, some cities have transformed their public spaces by restricting auto traffic.

    Called “Slow Streets” and sometimes “Open Streets,” these initiatives emerged from a desire to give pedestrians and cyclists more space outdoors. Read about the environmental and health benefits of Slow Streets and how they're being implemented. [click for more]
    In Conversation with Bruce Saito, Executive Director of the Oldest and Largest Conservation Corps
    [7 min. read]

    EESI sat down with Bruce Saito, executive director of the California Conservation Corps, to discuss CCC's programs helping young people get work experience while stewarding the environment, and what's next for the Conservation Corps movement. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    The House came back into session September 14 and the Senate returned September 8. Lawmakers return to a jam-packed schedule of bills to negotiate and pass before the end of the year, including the National Defense Authorization Act and Water Resources Development Act. Additionally, it is likely that passing another stimulus bill will take precedence as lawmakers seek to make headway on COVID-19 relief before the November 3 elections. 

    In a surprise move, the Senate is making moves to pass an energy innovation bill that seeks to reduce hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions. HFCs are considered a super-pollutant and especially harmful to global climate. Lawmakers also seem interested in addressing Western wildfires; a hearing on reducing wildfire risk will be held in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee this week.

    EESI's legislative tracker will return for our next Climate Change Solutions edition September 29.
    Weather Disasters Bring Renewed Attention to Adaptation and Resilience Measures in Climate Crisis Report
    [10 min. read]

    Recent extreme weather events have highlighted the need to build resilience to disaster. The June House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis majority staff report offers numerous recommendations to help society adapt to the impacts of climate change and become more resilient to its stressors and shocks. [click for more]
    Clean Energy Policy Gains in the Mix as Congress Returns to Work
    [2 min. read]

    EESI Executive Director Daniel Bresette discusses energy policy opportunities for Congress for the remainder of the year. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings, News and Fact Sheets
    Briefing: Preparing High Schoolers for Green Careers

    As part of our Workforce Wednesdays briefing series, EESI highlighted renewable energy and sustainability career and technical education (CTE) in public schools. Panelists discussed the benefits of offering students CTE options and the policies and programs that help such programs flourish. [click for more]
    AC Units News: The Magic of End-of-life Refrigerant Management
    [5 min. read]

    As the Senate negotiates a bill to reduce hydrofluorocarbon emissions, read up on the challenges and solutions to HFC mitigation and management. [click for more]
    EESI Around Town
    The Independent cited EESI's fossil fuel subsidy fact sheet in an article on the Democratic party platform.
    EESI's fossil fuel subsidy fact sheet was cited by Vox Media.
    EcoWatch cited EESI's fossil fuel subsidy fact sheet in an article on the Democratic party platform.
    Upcoming Events
    If you haven't already, tune in to EESI's September briefing series, Workforce Wednesdays!

    Every Wednesday in September, EESI is holding a free virtual panel on policies and programs promoting a low-carbon workforce. The third briefing in the series is tomorrow, September 16!

    Check out the line-up below and RSVP here!

    September 16: Energy Transitions and Coal Country

    Coal-producing communities around the country have already been experiencing economic turmoil from mine layoffs or closures due to precipitous declines in the demand for coal. These communities are among the most vulnerable to further transitions away from carbon-intensive energy sources and face particular challenges retraining their coal workforce. Introduced by Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), speakers will discuss challenges and opportunities from a regional, small town, and Crow Nation perspective.

    September 23: Growing Green Industry and Innovation: Mass Timber

    The United States can lower domestic and global greenhouse gas emissions by supporting innovation and expanding low-carbon industries. Mass timber provides a prime opportunity to diversify the American economy and lower emissions while providing steady, family-sustaining employment for a skilled workforce. Introduced by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), panelists will discuss the environmental and workforce benefits of mass timber, from manufacturing to construction.

    September 30: Small Businesses & COVID Recovery

    Small business owners and employees have a unique role in building a low-carbon and climate resilient economy. Many small businesses have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 downturn, especially in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Speakers will discuss the challenges faced by small businesses in low-carbon sectors, where federal policies such as the CARES Act worked—or did not work—to alleviate those challenges, and suggestions for the road ahead.


    BONUS BRIEFING: Achieving an Equitable Future: The National Economic Transition Platform for Coal Communities
    September 25
    1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT


    Join us for an online briefing about the National Economic Transition platform—a “visionary proposal for an equitable future”—recently released by the Just Transition Fund and a coalition of 80 partner organizations.

    Thank You to EESI Team Members for Their Contributions to Climate Change Solutions:

    Sydney O'Shaughnessy - Layout, Design, and Content Editor

    Amaury Laporte - Communications Director

    As well as all EESI Staff, Interns, and Fellows who write and review content!
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




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