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October 15, 2019
Welcome to Climate Change Solutions for October 15!
A series of large climate protests involving millions of participants occurred in late September leading up to the UN Climate Meeting. These protests continued throughout the first half of October as activists with Extinction Rebellion, an environmental advocacy group, launched protests in major cities across the globe. On October 14 London banned such demonstrations, but protests continued in the city on Tuesday. In D.C., actress Jane Fonda began a protest of her own on October 14, called “Fire Drill Fridays,” on the steps of the Capitol. Fonda was later arrested by Capitol police.
Also in the nation’s capital, the Trump administration eliminated the solar industry’s exemption from tariffs, angering advocates for emissions reductions, and unveiled a proposal to blend more ethanol into gasoline, siding with farmers over the oil industry.
Audubon released a major report on declining bird species, breaking down species impacts state-by-state. Findings suggest two-thirds of North American bird species are at risk of extinction due to climate change related threats. If that’s not reason enough, Bank of England governor Mark Carney issued a warning that companies not moving towards zero-carbon goals could collapse as investors look to mitigate climate risk. Climate-conscious mayors are doubling down on climate adaptation and mitigation, throwing support behind a “Global Green New Deal” at the Copenhagen Global Climate Action Summit. Read more climate headlines here!
Reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff with thoughts, suggestions, or just to say hi!
CFC #10627