Table Of Contents

    Welcome to another edition of Climate Change Solutions!

    Today, read how solar companies, farmers, and breweries are working together for a sustainable future and see how Virginia and California are electrifying their states through electric vehicles and utility climate adaptation planning

    On the Hill, find the latest in Congressional environmental justice initiatives as well as an update on current federal action on wildfires. 

    Also, don't miss our comprehensive recap of our latest briefing series, Workforce Wednesdays.

    And now for a recap of the latest environmental and energy news:

    Love our work? Forward this newsletter to a friend! Have a climate solution? Reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff with tips and gossip!

    "Pollinator-Friendly Solar" is part of a new line of EESI infographics explaining the latest in climate policy and science. Find more infographics on our Instagram page here!
    Electrifying Virginia’s School Bus Fleet
    [4 min. read]

    Dominion Energy, Virginia’s leading energy provider, released its three-part electric school bus initiative in September 2019. The initiative begins at the end of this year and hopes to incorporate all school buses in Dominion's service area by 2030.

    This initiative represents a positive step towards decarbonizing Virginia's transportation sector. [click for more]

    New Craft Beer Shows What Is Possible with Solar Energy
    [4 min. read]

    Pollinator populations are rapidly declining due to habitat destruction, increased development, and exposure to pesticides and parasites. However, Atlas Brew Works, a fully solar-powered brewery in Washington, D.C., offers a surprising solution—a pollinator-friendly beer, Sunny Honey Saison. [click for more]
    California Finalizes Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Utilities
    [5 min. read]

    California has struggled to keep the power on while managing risks from wildfires. With new climate change adaptation measures for gas and electric utilities, policymakers and agencies within California are setting a national precedent on how to integrate climate change adaptation strategy into state-level energy decisions. [click for more] 

    On the Hill

    From September 29 to October 9, 15 bills on environmental and energy issues were referred to committees, including two in the Senate and 13 in the House. The House held three committee hearings on environmental and energy issues. The House also passed one bill.


    Over the past two weeks in environmental policy, public lands and energy received the most attention from lawmakers. The House passed America's Conservation Enhancement Act (S.3051), which will now go to the desk of the President. The America’s Conservation Enhancement Act has been supported by the recreational boating, fishing, and hunting communities as a way to restore habitat and protect hunting areas.

    H.R.8564 would establish the Cerro de la Olla Wilderness in the Río Grande del Norte National Monument, New Mexico. H.R.8411 would amend the United States tax code to repeal fossil fuel subsidies. 

    The House’s committee hearings included a hearing discussing the “Challenges and Successes of Conservation Programs in 2020,” and a markup hearing reviewing nearly 20 public lands bills. 

    See EESI's full environmental legislative tracker for September 29 to October 9 here.
    Community Voices at the Center of Environmental Justice Now Tour
    [5 min. read]

    In a project called the “Environmental Justice Now Tour,” Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee are holding a series of discussions with community leaders and activists on environmental justice topics.

    The tour is centered around the Environmental Justice for All Act and aims to address the environmental harms low-income communities and communities of color are contending with. [click for more]
    Current Federal Action to Combat Wildfire Discussed During House Hearing
    [5 min. read]

    A recent House hearing discussed the federal role in responding to and recovering from the 2020 wildfires, which have burned over seven million acres of land in 2020.

    John Phipps, the U.S. Forest Service’s Deputy Chief for State and Private Forestry, described the current state of the federal fire fighting force and federal policies and programs supporting forest management. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings, News and Fact Sheets
    News: A Path Towards Low-Carbon Workforce Development: Key Takeaways from EESI’s Workforce Wednesdays Briefing Series

    EESI’s Workforce Wednesdays briefing series in September discussed policies and programs working to develop a low-carbon workforce. Topic areas ranged from high school career and technical education to small businesses. Read our recap of the series here! [click for more]
    Briefing: Workforce Wednesdays: Low-Carbon Small Business and Post-COVID Recovery

    Small business owners and employees have a unique role in building a low-carbon and climate resilient economy. Many small businesses have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 downturn, especially in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Speakers discussed both the persistent challenges faced by small businesses in low-carbon sectors and the additional problems brought on by COVID-19. [click for more]
    Briefing: Workforce Wednesdays: Growing Green Industry and Innovation: Mass Timber

    The United States can lower domestic and global greenhouse gas emissions by supporting innovation and expanding low-carbon industries. Mass timber provides a prime opportunity to diversify the American economy and lower emissions while providing steady, family-sustaining employment for a skilled workforce. Panelists discussed the environmental and workforce benefits of mass timber, from manufacturing to construction. [click for more]
    Apply now to be a Spring 2021 intern!  
    Interns have the opportunity to learn the inner workings of an environmental nonprofit
    while contributing to our work advancing sustainable energy.

    Apply now! Applications are due Monday, October 19!
    Communications and
    Policy Internship
    ACES Project

    EESI Around Town
    EESI welcomed two new board members: Raya Salter, a New York-based energy and climate justice law and policy expert, and Lieutenant General (Ret.) Jeffrey W. Talley, a businessman, scholar, and retired Army officer. 
    EESI Board Member Monty Cooper has been named chair of the American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources’ (ABA-SEER) Equity and Inclusion Taskforce
    EESI's emissions fact sheet was cited in an article by The Baltimore Sun.

    Thank You to EESI Team Members for Their Contributions to Climate Change Solutions:

    Sydney O'Shaughnessy - Layout, Design, and Content Editor

    Amaury Laporte - Communications Director

    As well as all EESI Staff, Interns, and Fellows who write and review content!
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




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