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May 24, 2022
It's appropriations season in Congress—the time when Congress sets out to decide on funding amounts for all federal agencies and programs for the following year—and the Senate and House Appropriations Committees have been holding a plethora of hearings. EESI's recent briefing series, Agencies in Action, explored the longstanding federal programs delivering a host of climate, environmental, economic, and social benefits nationwide. If you missed any of the briefings in that series, highlights and recordings can be found here.
The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure held a hearing on addressing climate change at U.S. airports. EESI’s aviation web page has materials on reducing the climate impacts of aviation, including sustainable aviation fuels. Also in the House, the Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing on the importance of forest conservation in fighting climate change. Interested in learning more about conservation? Check out EESI’s briefing, Building a Durable National Framework for Large Landscape Conservation. The bipartisan PRECIP Act (S.3053/H.R.1437) passed the House. The bill aims to update National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration precipitation data to better inform zoning decisions and help communities prepare for climate impacts like flooding. To learn more about the importance of precipitation data, check out EESI’s briefing, Protecting Vulnerable Communities from Climate Impacts.
A piece from Space about the climate impacts of rocket launches cited EESI's fact sheet on the growth of aviation sector emissions.
CFC #10627