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May 21, 2024
Hello and welcome to Climate Change Solutions!
Last Friday, House Agriculture Committee Chair Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.) published text of a Farm Bill discussion draft. The release comes just days before the scheduled House Agriculture Committee markup on Thursday, May 23. EESI’s legislative side-by-sides highlight climate and energy-related programs in the Farm Bill, comparing House and Senate text to current law. Fresh off the presses this afternoon is our Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) side-by-side! To learn more about the program, be sure to check out EESI’s article on how RESP is bringing energy efficiency and beneficial electrification to rural Colorado households that need it. More side-by-sides will be updated after Thursday’s markup and when Senate text becomes available. This issue also features 10 EESI resources on the Department of Energy (DOE), highlighting key programs and funding sources on the cutting edge of decarbonization. We have a brand new podcast featuring DOE’s artificial intelligence office, plus we go back to the archives to bring you our best briefings, articles, and fact sheets featuring DOE programs. Finally, don’t miss this Thursday’s briefing at 2 p.m.! EESI is bringing you Cities Leading the Way on Nature-Based Solutions. RSVP here.
Podcast: Inside DOE's Newest Office on Artificial Intelligence [30 min. listen] In the season seven finale of The Climate Conversation, hosts Daniel and Alison spoke to Helena Fu, the director of DOE’s Office of Critical and Emerging Technologies, to discuss the potential of AI to catalyze clean energy deployment in the United States. [click for more]
This podcast brought in DOE Loan Programs Office (LPO) Chief Strategist Jonah Wagner to chat about how LPO is funding essential large-scale energy infrastructure. [click for more]
Farm Bill Sprouts in the House: The House Agriculture Committee released discussion draft text of the Farm Bill ahead of a markup on May 23. The first of EESI’s many legislative side-by-side charts compares the discussion draft with the current authorization of the Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP).
Strengthening Supply Chains: The House passed the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act of 2023 (H.R.6571). Reps. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) and Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) introduced the bill, which would strengthen domestic supply chains through improved mapping and monitoring—including for the critical minerals required for clean energy technologies. EESI’s briefing on the 2024 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook featured discussion of critical minerals.
DERA Passes the Senate: The Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) of 2023 (S.2195/H.R.5444), led by Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), reauthorizes $100 million annually for the DERA program, which finances the replacement and retrofitting of older diesel engines with lower-emission technologies.
A Step Forward for Conservation: The America's Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act of 2024 (S.3791) also passed the Senate. The bill reauthorizes wildlife conservation efforts across the country and increases protections from new and emerging threats, including invasive species and disease. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) co-authored the bill. Check out EESI’s podcast on how Congress can leverage scientific research to bolster legislative conservation solutions. We track all environmental, energy, and climate legislation and hearings happening on Capitol Hill. See the full legislative trackers for May 6-10 and May 13-17.
EESI is tracking recent announcements and updates about the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Cities Leading the Way on Nature-Based Solutions Thursday, May 23 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EDT North Congressional Meeting Room (CVC 268) and online
In the first installment in our briefing series about climate solutions from small- and medium-sized cities, speakers will discuss nature-based solutions in urban settings—from parks that help manage stormwater to urban trees that reduce summer temperatures across entire neighborhoods. Panelists will highlight equitable and community-designed climate solutions from the places they live and work in and describe the intersection points with federal policy and programs. RSVP here.
Maximizing the Impact of Natural Climate Solutions Tuesday, June 11 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EDT South Congressional Meeting Room (CVC 217) and online
Around 92% of people across the political spectrum are in support of implementing natural climate solutions to address climate change. In collaboration with U.S. Nature4Climate and the Bipartisan Policy Center, this briefing will foster discussion on natural climate solutions, which leverage natural processes to reduce carbon emissions, sequester carbon, and bring new income and employment opportunities to rural America. RSVP here.
4th Annual Sustainability Week U.S. Wednesday, June 12 - Thursday, June 13 Online (Wednesday) and in person in New York (Thursday)
Hosted by Economist Impact with EESI as a media sponsor, Sustainability Week U.S. will deliver vital information that stakeholders can use to move faster on reducing emissions and improving environmental impacts in 2024. With new how-to workshops, the Chief Sustainability Officer Leaders’ Club, and unique action hour sessions, alongside extensive networking opportunities and an exhibition, this event is not to be missed. RSVP here (Climate Change Solutions readers benefit from a 15% discount code, EESI/MP15).
2024 Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum Tuesday, July 30 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EDT Rayburn House Office Building Foyer, Gold Room (Room 2168), and online
EESI and the House and Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucuses invite you to join us for the 27th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum (EXPO 2024). Top-level speakers will showcase technologies and solutions that reduce carbon emissions, save households money, improve the economy, build resilience, and protect our security interests. RSVP here.
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About EESI
EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit advancing science-based solutions for climate change, energy, and environmental challenges to achieve a sustainable, resilient, and equitable world. Founded on a bipartisan basis by members of Congress, EESI has been informing policymakers about the benefits of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental conservation since 1984.
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