Table Of Contents

    Hello and welcome to Climate Change Solutions for March 31!

    We hope all of our readers are staying safe and taking precautions to flatten the curve.

    While the global pandemic has dominated the news cycle, there is still important policy work and scientific research being done regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation.

    Environmental and disaster policy professionals are also studying the convergence of the current health emergency with impending natural hazards such as flooding and hurricanes. The Union of Concerned Scientists released new analysis on the intersection of COVID-19 and flood risk. EESI interviewed the authors on their findings. 

    Meanwhile, in other important climate and energy work:
    • Whales are moving into shipping lanes due to warming ocean temperatures
    • Greenland's melting ice sheet raised global sea level by 2 mm in two months
    • Farms with diversified crops were found to be more resilient than single-crop farms
    • Policies and programs reintroducing species into the wild seem to be getting more successful over time
    • The National University of Singapore is opening a new research center focused on nature-based solutions to climate change
      • They should check out EESI's fact sheet on the subject

    Reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff with tips, gossip, or to say hi!

    EESI was given a Top-Rated GreatNonprofit award for the 10th year in a row!

    We couldn't do it without our supporters—if EESI’s work has proven beneficial to you in any way, we’d be grateful if you would take a moment to review EESI at

    Video Short: Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization

    Clean energy lawyer Monica Lamb discusses the financing options for funding large-scale renewable energy projects and outlines the challenges associated with these projects.
    Clean Fuels and Health Effects Forum was a Call to Action

    It’s not just the climate that suffers from taxpayer-subsidized production and consumption of gasoline and its aromatics—human health suffers as well. [click for more]
    Better Bike Infrastructure Improves Environmental and Human Health

    Several introduced bills would ensure biking is made more safe and accessible for a rider-friendly future. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    The outbreak has slowed down legislative activity on Capitol Hill (aside of addressing the pandemic), but House and Senate appropriators are gathering letters of support from their colleagues and collecting testimony from outside witnesses about spending priorities. 

    EESI submitted testimony in support of programs that fund nature-based solutions, a wide range of energy efficiency and research and development programs administered by the Department of Energy, and the federal loan program that rural utilities use to provide on-bill financing for cost-effective home improvements. These programs offer considerable potential for immediate emissions reductions and building resilience in communities across America over the long term.

    On March 27th, Congress passed and the president signed into law a far-reaching $2 trillion spending package addressing the COVID-19 crisis. Lawmakers have since left D.C. and officially plan to return April 20th. It seems more likely, however, that it could be longer before Congress physically comes back into session. During their absence, they will still be working on further COVID-19 response packages, which may include energy efficiency and climate resilience items.
    Recycling Roadblocks: Finding Solutions to Industry Problems

    House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change held a hearing on the challenges facing the nation’s recycling industry and heard recommendations from experts in the recycling, plastics, and waste management fields. [click for more]
    Bipartisan Funding Fix Could Provide Relief to National Park Pollution Problems

    A House hearing highlighted the problems of plastic litter and air pollution. The Great American Outdoors Act could help solve those and other National Park issues. [click for more]
    Environmental Justice Bill Seeks to Incorporate Climate Justice into Federal Actions

    House Committee on Natural Resources introduced the Environmental Justice for All Act aimed at integrating environmental justice considerations into all steps of federal decision-making. [click for more]
    Assistance to Fossil Fuel-Dependent Communities Included in Environmental Justice Bill

    A major component of the Environmental Justice for All Act (see above) is assistance to communities transitioning away from an economic dependence on fossil fuels. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings and Fact Sheets
    Briefing: Financing Climate Mitigation and Resilience: Lessons from Hawaii

    Hawaii's top climate change official discussed state-wide efforts to lead on climate, and the executive director of one of the most robust green banks in the country spoke about its unique features and how it supports companies, communities, and individuals as they work towards Hawaii's climate goals in an equitable way. [click for more]
    Q&A: Study Assesses Impacts of Spring Flooding and COVID-19 Pandemic on Rural Communities

    Dr. Kristy Dahl and Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto from the Union of Concerned Scientists sat down with EESI’s policy team to discuss their new analysis on the multiple stressors facing communities as the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates in the United States.[click for more]
    EESI Around Town
    EESI's commercial aviation fact sheet was cited in a Washington Examiner article on the COVID-19 airline bailout.
    EESI's climate change and national security briefing was cited in a commentary by Herald Net.
    EESI Director Emerita Carol Werner was quoted in an article on the Renewable Fuels Summit by Ethanol Producer Magazine.
    Upcoming Events
    Look out for details on EESI's upcoming Climate Data and Adaptation briefing mini-series April 13-17!

    Check out our website next week to register or just tune in every day at noon (EDT) to watch at

    Monday, April 13 | 12 PM: Down-scaled Sea Level Rise Projections for Decision-makers, featuring Nicole Faghin and Dr. Ian Miller, Washington Sea Grant

    Tuesday, April 14| 12 PM: Mapping National Park Vulnerability to Climate Change, featuring Dr. Rob Young, Western Carolina University Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines

    Wednesday, April 15 | 12 PM: Coastal Cultural Sites and Climate, featuring Elizabeth Hughes, Maryland Historical Trust

    Thursday, April 16 | 12 PM: Bridging the Gap between Science and Decision-making, featuring Dr. Amy Snover, Climate Impacts Group and NW Climate Adaptation Science Center, University of Washington

    Friday, April 17 | 12 PM: Data to Inform Participatory Planning Initiatives, featuring Mary Austerman, New York Sea Grant
    Coastal Resilience Series: Alaska
    Date April 21
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
    Online Only

    Briefing on scientific developments and policy initiatives that are helping protect Alaskan ecosystems and communities from erosion, sea level rise, and other coastal hazards, as part of EESI's regional coastal adaptation series. 
    2020 Congressional Clean Energy EXPO and Policy Forum 
    July 30
    9:30 am - 3:30 pm
    Rayburn HOB Foyer and Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    The 23rd Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum will bring together 30-40 businesses, trade associations, and government agencies to showcase renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. 

    The bipartisan House & Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucuses are the EXPO's honorary co-hosts.
    Rescheduled--Biogas: Driving the U.S. Circular Economy
    September 10
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
    Rayburn HOB Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    Held in conjunction with the American Biogas Council, experts will discuss the role biogas systems play in industrial models that "repurpose, reuse, and recycle."
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




    CFC #10627