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March 3, 2021
Welcome to another edition of Climate Change Solutions! Today, read how Washington state is tackling solar panel waste, get a recap of recent key House and Senate climate hearings, have all of your frequently-asked climate questions answered in our latest fact sheet, and learn how two history-making committee chairs are approaching climate! Also, catch up with one of EESI's previous interns all the way in the wildlands of Utah! As always, we've brought you a brand new podcast episode! This week, we recapped our second Congressional Climate Camp and distilled the two-hour event into 20 minutes. If you like our podcast, please consider rating, reviewing, and subscribing to stay up to date with every episode on either Apple or Google podcasts. Have a climate solution? Send tips to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff! Join team EESI! We're now accepting applications for a Communications Associate--read more about the position and how to apply here (Deadline: March 14).
From February 15 to 26, Congress introduced a total of 83 bills and resolutions related to environmental and energy topics. Of these, 20 were in the Senate and 63 in the House. The House passed a total of two bills (H.R.803 and H.R.1319) and agreed to one resolution (H.Res.147) during this period. Several relevant committee hearings were held in both chambers as well.
Many of the bills introduced during this period dealt with agriculture, including S.486, which seeks to establish funding programs to invest in rural and agricultural innovation. H.R.1363 seeks to direct the Agriculture Advanced Research and Development Authority to address sustainable solutions from the agricultural sector.
Two bills related to environmental and energy topics were passed in the House. The Colorado Wilderness Act (H.R.803) designates lands in Colorado as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (H.R.1319), a $1.9 trillion package for economic and public health recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and includes provisions to address the climate crisis and environmental injustice in post-pandemic recovery efforts.
Numerous committee hearings during the last two weeks engaged environmental and energy topics. The House Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets held a hearing entitled “Climate Change and Social Responsibility: Helping Corporate Boards and Investors Make Decisions for a Sustainable World,” during which witnesses and policymakers discussed Environmental and Social Governance principles and disclosure mandates. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a hearing entitled “Building Back Better: Investing in Transportation while Addressing Climate Change, Improving Equity, and Fostering Economic Growth and Innovation” to discuss investments in transportation infrastructure.
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