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    Welcome to Climate Change Solutions for March 17!

    Coronavirus has been causing major disruption in the global economy as cities, states, and countries advise social distancing in order to flatten the curve of new infections so as to not overwhelm national health systems. EESI’s offices have gone remote, and we hope our readers are practicing social distancing to the extent that they are able.

    While the virus has dominated the news cycle, there is still interesting and important work being done on behalf of the environment, such as:

    • European Commission is encouraging waste reduction through “Right to Repair” proposal and greenhouse gas emissions reduction through a carbon border adjustment tax.
    • New reports claiming the world is “way off track” in climate action and ice sheets are melting six times faster than in the 90s.
    • Research suggesting a link between climate change and an unusual weather phenomenon known as the Indian Ocean Dipole.
    • A “climate neutral” product certification.
    • Oregon Governor Kate Brown taking executive action to reduce her state’s climate impact.
    • Engineers building adhesive-free a 100 percent timber office in an EU experiment.

    And of course, we can't forget that today is St. Patrick's Day! Instead of going out to a bar, check out these environmental articles that will put you in the St. Patty's spirit:

    • 1 Million Euro in Funding Awarded to Innovate Geothermal Energy Projects Across Ireland
    • Farming to Help the Climate: Two Bills in Olympia Promote "Regenerative Agriculture" (and clover as a cover crop)
    • Irish Building Industry Foresees Imminent Green Shift
    • How Craft Breweries are Saving the Planet

    Tips, gossip, article ideas? Reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff.

    Video Short: Island Resilience in the Gulf of Maine

    Sam Belknap, Community Development Officer and Sea Level Rise Project Lead for The Island Institute, discusses coastal resilience strategies employed in the Gulf of Maine and the challenges facing remote communities dependent on the lobster fishery.
    Pollinator-Friendly Solar Installations Benefit Wildlife, Farmers, and Climate

    Habitat loss and climate change have caused pollinator populations to decline around the world. Pollinator-friendly solar installations have the potential to meet both conservation and greenhouse gas mitigation goals. [click for more]
    Boston Featured as Top City for Climate Change Action

    Boston has been taking initiative on climate change action for over a decade, but the city's latest climate action plan sets it apart as a leader in adaptation. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    From March 2 to 16, 2020, 28 bills were referred to committee to address environmental and energy issues.


    During this time period, Congress introduced a number of bills aimed at research and development. H.R.6084 would create a program for research and development into hydropower, pumped storage, and marine energy, and H.R.6097 would create a similar program for nuclear energy research.

    Members of the House Committee on Armed Services also introduced two climate-related bills. H.R.6119 would direct the Secretary of Defense to develop a report on the national security implications of climate change, and H.R.6176 would require the Secretary of Energy to develop a solar workforce training course for members of the Armed Forces.

    The American Energy Innovation Act (S.2657) saw debate on the Senate floor. Senators introduced over 200 amendments to the bill, which has seen its progress stall as a result of debate over amendments. Among the amendments with the biggest potential for emissions reductions are the bipartisan provisions from Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) to improve the energy efficiency of homes and commercial buildings.

    A bipartisan group of 56 senators introduced the Great American Outdoors Act (S.3422) which would fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and address the backlog of maintenance projects within national parks.

    Be sure to read through the rest of the round-up. EESI has curated bills most relevant to energy, environment, and climate topics. Check out our environmental legislative tracker for March 2-16 here.
    House Hearing Held to End Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands 

    The American Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act of 2019 (H.R.5435) seeks to reduce emissions by preventing domestic fossil fuel extraction in the first place. [click for more]
    House GOP's Climate Plan Discussed During Trillion Trees Act Hearing 

    House Committee on Natural Resources held a hearing on the Trillion Trees Act (H.R.5859), one of the bills comprising House Republicans’ climate change policy package. The Act outlines a plant to sequester atmospheric carbon by planting trees. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings and Fact Sheets
    Fact Sheet: Federal Resources for Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

    EESI's latest fact sheet provides a survey of federal funding and technical assistance available to help state and local governments and agencies, tribes, non-governmental organizations, universities, and individuals implement nature-based solutions for climate resilience. [click for more]
    Briefing: A Security Threat Assessment of Global Climate Change

    EESI's joint briefing with the Center for Climate and Security (CCS) showcased CCS's new report on the wide-ranging security impacts of climate change across. [click for more]
    Press Release: EESI Strongly Supports Energy Efficient Building Codes Amendment

    The Portman-Shaheen amendment to the American Energy Innovation Act would direct the Department of Energy to develop voluntary energy savings targets for building energy codes. This amendment has tremendous potential to save money for homeowners and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [click for more]
    EESI Around Town
    EESI Executive Director Daniel Bresette was quoted in Power Technology on a recently passed renewable energy bill in Virginia.
    EESI's federal fossil fuel subsidies fact sheet was cited in a Times Union op-ed on fossil fuel tax breaks in New York. 
    EESI Executive Director Daniel Bresette was quoted on renewable energy and storage technology in McPherson Sentinel.
    Upcoming Events
    Coastal Resilience Series: Hawaii
    March 20
    1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
    Livecast Only

    This briefing is on innovative efforts to finance and implement climate change mitigation and resilience projects. Featuring a panel from Hawaii, the briefing will explore steps the state is taking to reach carbon neutrality and run on 100 percent renewable energy by 2045.
    2020 Congressional Clean Energy EXPO and Policy Forum 
    July 30
    9:30 am - 3:30 pm
    Rayburn HOB Foyer and Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    The 23rd Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum will bring together 30-40 businesses, trade associations, and government agencies to showcase renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. 

    The bipartisan House & Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucuses are the EXPO's honorary co-hosts.
    Rescheduled--Biogas: Driving the U.S. Circular Economy
    September 23
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
    Rayburn HOB Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    Held in conjunction with the American Biogas Council, experts will discuss the role biogas systems play in industrial models that "repurpose, reuse, and recycle."
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




    CFC #10627