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March 16, 2022
There were several notable hearings in the House, including two held by the Science, Space, and Technology Committee: one about the science of nature-based infrastructure, and a second on climate adaptation and resilience. The Select Committee on the Climate Crisis also held a hearing on climate change adaptation and resilience, focusing on the need for a national equitable adaptation strategy. The Agriculture Committee held another hearing on the upcoming Farm Bill. Two hearings were held on new bipartisan bills on recycling introduced by Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Thomas Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)—the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act (S.3743) and the Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act of 2022 (S.3742). These bills come after the committee held a hearing late last year on the circular economy. Senators Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Chris Coons (D-Del.), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) introduced the bipartisan Weatherization Assistance Program Improvements Act (S.3769) to help low-income households improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
As climate change continues to impact communities and ecosystems across the country, federal programs that focus on adaptation are playing a key role in helping communities prepare for and stay safe from the impacts of our changing climate. Panelists will discuss adaptation-focused federal programs administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and other agencies, and why these programs are important for districts across the country. RSVP here.
The final briefing in our Agencies in Action briefing series will focus on landscape conservation. Ecosystems often span county, state, tribal, and national borders. Wide swaths of area must be managed across jurisdictions and in collaboration with stakeholders on the ground to maximize social and environmental benefits, including ecosystem services such as water filtration and carbon sequestration. Panelists will dive into the benefits of coordinating conservation efforts at the scale of large landscapes and showcase opportunities to advance an inclusive and durable national framework for landscape conservation. RSVP here.
CFC #10627