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June 12, 2020
Welcome to another edition of Climate Change Solutions! Before we get into our usual news round-up, we're taking some space to address and reflect on our work at the intersection of social and environmental justice:
And now for a look at the latest in environmental and energy news:
Send tips, gossip, or greetings to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff! Love our work? Join our team! EESI is now hiring a Policy Director—read more and apply here:
From May 26 to June 8, 2020, 2 bills were referred to committees in the Senate and 11 in the House to address environmental and energy issues. In addition to the introduction of environmentally relevant legislation, the Senate passed one bill. Highlights On June 8 the Senate voted 80-17 to take up the Great American Outdoors Act (S.3422), which would permanently and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund, helping address the $21 billion maintenance backlog in national parks and other federal land agencies. The vote to pass the bill will likely take place this week or early next week. An identical companion bill, H.R.7092, was also introduced in the House last week. Other Congressional legislation on land conservation includes: H.R.7045, which would require the Secretary of Agriculture to evaluate land that could be included in a National Forest in Hawai’i; H.R.7098, which would expand the land area of Saguaro National Park; and H.R.7099, which would provide a land parcel to the Coconino National Forest in Arizona. Wildlife conservation has garnered strong bipartisan support during the 116th Congress. A recent EESI article details conservation legislation introduced over the past year and a half.
CFC #10627