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June 9, 2021
Hello and welcome to Climate Change Solutions! Today, we are looking at climate solutions in finance, agriculture, and city planning. First, our article on how green banks are spurring investments in clean energy, which complements today's "Unlocking Capital of Climate Solutions: The Benefits of a National Climate Bank" briefing. Then, explore how eliminating parking could improve cities and how climate smart agriculture is mitigating climate change. To celebrate Pride Month, EESI sat down with D.C.'s Gay for Good leadership to discuss why LGBTQ+ representation is so important in the environmental space. And one of EESI's spring 2021 interns reflects on her experience during the February 2021 Texas blackout. Also don't miss our executive director reflecting on our Congressional Climate Camp series as well as our latest podcast episode on the same topic. Have a climate solution? Send tips to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff!
On Caney Creek Ranch in eastern Texas, ranch manager Kimberly Ratcliff manages a 2,500-acre, environmentally sustainable farm that incorporates the entire ecosystem into a silvopasture practice. This allows Ratcliff to raise healthier cattle, maintain cleaner watersheds, and protect other wildlife, all while storing carbon and saving money.
Ratcliff was one of four witnesses in a recent House Agriculture Committee hearing on climate-smart agriculture practices and conservation programs within the Farm Bill. Click to read how agriculture can be a major solution to the climate crisis. [click for more]
From May 24 to June 4, multiple bills introduced in Congress focused on cleaning up abandoned mines and plugging orphaned oil and gas wells. Representative Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.) introduced two bills, H.R.1734 and H.R.1733, which seek to expand funding for the reclamation of abandoned coal mines. Both H.R.3585 and H.R.2415 would establish a program to plug, remediate, and reclaim orphaned oil and gas wells and surrounding land. Several bills also dealt with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. H.R.3700 and H.R.3691 would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize grants for technical assistance to rural, small, and tribal municipalities and establish a smart wastewater infrastructure technology grant program, respectively. a
Other notable bills include:
Modernizing the U.S. Energy System: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Path Forward June 11 and 18 12-1:30PM Join us for a virtual briefing series about the climate benefits of modernizing the nation’s energy system. RSVP here
Electrification 2021 Virtual forum series This summer, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is holding a series of virtual forums to enable comprehensive collaboration and informative exchanges on electrification solutions.
Register here! EESI is a supporting organization for this series.
CFC #10627