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June 23, 2021
Hello and welcome to Climate Change Solutions! Today, get to the root of urban wood waste and see how one Michigan town is utilizing dead and diseased trees. Also, read how Montgomery County, Maryland, is continuing its climate planning virtually and how super-polluting hydrofluorocarbons are being phased down nationally. We also spotlight the White House's big funding push for the Rural Energy Savings Program. And don't miss our latest podcast episode with Anna Weber from the Natural Resources Defense Council discussing how the establishment of a National Disaster Safety Board could help nationalize disaster planning and preparedness, saving lives and money. Have a climate solution? Send tips to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff!
From June 7 to 18, Congress introduced several bills related to ocean and coastal issues as part of Capitol Hill Oceans Week the second week of June. H.R.3764 would advance ocean-based climate solutions, make coastal communities more resilient, and conserve and restore ocean and coastal habitats, biodiversity, and marine populations. H.R.3817 aims to improve coastal resilience by allowing states to participate in regional ocean partnerships. H.R.3748 would improve data collection and monitoring of the Great Lakes, oceans, bays, estuaries, and coasts. Additionally, five bills related to water protection passed the House, including H.R.610, H.R.1144, and H.R.1921, which would protect the San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, and the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, respectively, and H.R.2008, which would reauthorize funds for nonpoint source pollution management.
Other notable bills include:
Electrification 2021 Virtual forum series This summer, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is holding a series of virtual forums to enable comprehensive collaboration and informative exchanges on electrification solutions.
Register here! EESI is a supporting organization for this series.
CFC #10627