Table Of Contents

    Hello and welcome to the Infrastructure Issue of Climate Change Solutions!

    Infrastructure is the talk of the town this week as the Senate gears up to vote on two major infrastructure billsthe $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework and the $3.5 trillion package crafted by the Senate Budget Committee led by Chair Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.). Both bills seek to advance the Biden-Harris Administration's American Jobs Plan for economic recovery.

    In light of these legislative happenings, this week we discuss what defines infrastructure and outline the Biden-Harris Administration's work so far to link climate and workforce development.

    We reached back through EESI's online archive to pull together recent infrastructure-related resources into articles about nature-based solutions, financing, disaster resilience and equity, and the workforce. And each article includes a round-up of those resources for you to dive deeper!

    We also focused in on three major aspects infrastructure negotiations with an article on improving broadband access in rural areas, a video short on a national climate bank, and highlights from our recent briefing series on modernizing America's transmission network.

    And finally, if you need a break from infrastructure, you can tune into our last podcast episode of Season 1 where we introduce you to our newest staff members Savannah Bertrand and Emma Johnson!

    Have you heard? Our 2021 Congressional Clean Energy EXPO and Policy Forum is just 6 days away! Have you RSVP'd yet? Join EESI and the House and Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucuses as we showcase technology and policy solutions to today’s climate and energy use challenges.

    RSVP here:

    Have a climate solutions? Send tips to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff.