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January 7, 2020
Welcome to Climate Change Solutions for January 7th and Happy New Year from the EESI team! We're only one week into 2020, but so far a lot has happened. The devastating Australian brush fires, which have killed over 480 million animals and 25 people since September, slowed down as rain fell early this week. Officials warn the rain will provide limited areas only a temporary respite from ongoing fires and related air pollution. In more uplifting news:
That's all for now--Send news, tips, gossip, or greetings to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff!
Congress was out of session December 21, 2019 to January 6, 2020. From December 18, 2019 to January 6, 2020, 33 bills were referred to committee to address environmental and energy issues. In addition to the introduction of environmentally relevant legislation, Senate committees approved nine and House committees approved one bill.
During this period, Congress focused on clean energy. S.2660 would expand research and development for wind energy, S.3135 and H.R.5505 would promote domestic development, manufacture, and deployment of clean technologies, and S.2393 would promote a 21st century energy workforce. New developments are expected as House committees kick off the new year with new bills and hearings to examine policy options to advance climate change solutions
Coastal Resilience Series: Southeast March 13th Rayburn House Office Building Room 2168 (Gold Room) Speakers will discuss the variety of nature-based solutions available to build resilience in the Southeast, and the data and policy tools that help communities plan for disaster.
Electrification 2020: International Conference and Exposition
April 6-9 Charlotte, North Carolina
EESI is proud to be a Supporting Organization of the Electric Power Research Institute's Electrification 2020. Attendees will gain access to industry influencers and compelling content to help advance electrification initiatives and create sustainable solutions.
Register before prices increase February 1!
CFC #10627