Table Of Contents

    Welcome to Climate Change Solutions for January 7th and Happy New Year from the EESI team!

    We're only one week into 2020, but so far a lot has happened.

    The devastating Australian brush fires, which have killed over 480 million animals and 25 people since September, slowed down as rain fell early this week. Officials warn the rain will provide limited areas only a temporary respite from ongoing fires and related air pollution.

    In more uplifting news:

    • Prince William started a new competition, called the Earthshot prize, for people and organizations tackling climate and conservation issues.
    • The Canadian government is wrapping up a 5-year study on how zoning laws can be updated to accommodate predicted climate changes. 
    • New sustainability-focused Louisiana high school puts students on track for environmental careers.

    That's all for now--Send news, tips, gossip, or greetings to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff!

    Video Short: How an Ohio Nonprofit is Tackling Energy Poverty

    Dave Rinebolt explains what Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, the organization he leads, does to tackle energy poverty.
    Third and Fourth-Graders Promote Carpooling with School-wide Initiative

    Sustainability--it's elementary! Executive director Daniel Bresette met with a class of D.C.-area students leading the way by helping design a carpool program for parents.  [click for more]
    D.C., New York, New Orleans Lead the Way on Biodiesel

    An increasing number of U.S. cities are switching their diesel fleets to biodiesel, a renewable fuel produced from biomass (such as waste oils) that helps alleviate the demand for petroleum products. Compared to diesel, biodiesel can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 86 percent. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    Congress was out of session December 21, 2019 to January 6, 2020. From December 18, 2019 to January 6, 2020, 33 bills were referred to committee to address environmental and energy issues. In addition to the introduction of environmentally relevant legislation, Senate committees approved nine and House committees approved one bill. 


    During this period, Congress focused on clean energy. S.2660 would expand research and development for wind energy, S.3135 and H.R.5505 would promote domestic development, manufacture, and deployment of clean technologies, and S.2393 would promote a 21st century energy workforce. New developments are expected as House committees kick off the new year with new bills and hearings to examine policy options to advance climate change solutions

    Energy transmission was also a common theme. S.3107 would establish a tax credit for installation of regionally-significant electric power transmission lines, and S.3109 and H.R.5511 would reform the interregional transmission planning process.

    Be sure to read through the rest of the round-up; the 116th Congress has covered a lot of ground, and the best way to keep up to date is to see the bills for yourself. See EESI's full environmental legislative tracker for December 18th-January 6th here.
    Last Energy and Natural Resource Committee Hearing of 2019 Explores Grid Resilience to Wildfire

    Power lines can both cause and be affected by forest wildfires. ENR Committee hearing witnesses discussed preventative measures to keep communities safe and connected. [click for more]
    116th Congress--Looking Back and Looking Forward

    Can 2020 start rectifying what scientists have called "the decade of disappointment" on climate action? Last year's Select Committee on the Climate Crisis hearings might provide a clue. [click for more] 

    EESI Briefings and Fact Sheets

    EESI will be rounding out our regional coastal resilience briefing series in 2020 as we explore the science, policy, and communication tools helping communities and ecosystems adapt to a changing climate.

    Check out EESI's 2019 regional coastal resilience briefings so far, and stay tuned for what's to come in 2020:
    Coastal Resilience Series: Gulf Coast

    The briefing introduced the concept of nature-based solutions, such as wetlands restoration and other “natural infrastructure,” and featured multi-state endeavors and public-private partnerships to build resilience along receding coastlines on the Gulf. [click for more]
    Coastal Resilience Series: Northeast 

    The briefing showcased nature-based solutions and collaborative initiatives that support coastal resilience for remote fishing villages, small communities, and large cities such as New York City.. [click for more]
    Coastal Resilience Series: LA SAFE 

    With a focus on Louisiana's post-Deepwater Horizon LA SAFE initiative, speakers discussed the program's remarkable work to improve stakeholder engagement while planning for future disasters. [click for more]
    Coastal Resilience Series: West Coast 

    Speakers characterized the unique climate and development challenges facing the outer West coast, and provided examples of financing adaptation solutions and engaging communities in tough planning decisions. [click for more]
    Apply to be a Summer intern!
    Paid interns have the opportunity to learn the inner workings of an environmental nonprofit
    while contributing to our work advancing sustainable energy.

    (Rolling applications)
    Communications and
    Policy Internship

    (Rolling applications)

    (Deadline: January 24)



    EESI Around Town
    EESI was cited in on how New Jersey is one of the country's leaders in 'going green.'
    Eos, a publication by the American Geophysical Union, quoted EESI's energy storage fact sheet. The article discusses bipartisanship in energy innovation.
    Upcoming Events
    Coastal Resilience Series: Great Lakes
    February 13th
    Rayburn House Office Building 
    Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    This briefing will discuss tribal, agricultural, and urban adaptation and multi-state/international resilience policy-making in the Great Lakes region. 
    Sustainable Energy Factbook
    February 20th
    Location TBA

    The eighth annual Sustainable Energy Factbook briefing, held with the Business Council for Sustainable Energy, will provide new industry information and trends for the U.S. energy economy

    Coastal Resilience Series: Southeast 
    March 13th
    Rayburn House Office Building 
    Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    Speakers will discuss the variety of nature-based solutions available to build resilience in the Southeast, and the data and policy tools that help communities plan for disaster. 

    Electrification 2020: International Conference and Exposition

    April 6-9
    Charlotte, North Carolina

    EESI is proud to be a Supporting Organization of the Electric Power Research Institute's Electrification 2020. Attendees will gain access to industry influencers and compelling content to help advance electrification initiatives and create sustainable solutions. 

    Register before prices increase February 1!

    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




    CFC #10627