Table Of Contents

    Welcome to another edition of Climate Change Solutions!

    • There was quite a bit of talk--and even some action--on climate change at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where business leaders and politicians made various pledges to combat the climate crisis. (More on that in our articles below.) 
    • British newspaper The Guardian stops accepting ads from fossil fuel companies.
    • The International Air  Transit Association, which represents about 290 airlines comprising 82% of global air traffic, announced the creation of a carbon offsetting plan to cap CO2 emissions from travel at 2020 levels.
    • Back in the States, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent letters to the largest U.S. banks asking for their financial plans for climate change, with a deadline of February 7. 
    • Portland Public Schools launches a k-12 climate change curriculum with funds from Portland General Electric. 
    • Massachusetts state Senate unveils “comprehensive climate change bill.”
    • ...and over 300 Amazon employees sign a petition protesting the company’s large carbon footprint.

    That's all for now--please reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff with tips, gossip, solutions, or to just say hi!

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    Video Short: Elder Donald Bogen Discusses Community Adaptation Efforts in Louisiana 

    Elder Donald Bogen, Jr., an organizer for Bayou Interfaith Shared Community Organizing, discusses how Louisiana’s Strategic Adaptations for Future Environments (LA SAFE) focuses on relationships, and long-term impacts on social networks.
    As Primary Voters Start Casting Their Ballots, Climate Change Stands out as a Growing Priority

    Forty-five percent of registered voters surveyed said that a candidate’s position on climate change will be important in deciding whom they will vote for in the 2020 presidential election. In Iowa, caucusgoers see climate change as the second most important issue.  [click for more]
    Global Leaders Call for Unified Climate Action at Brookings Event

    Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former Irish President Mary Robinson came to Brookings Institute in D.C. to talk about global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [click for more]
    World Economic Forum Participants Make Plans for Climate Action

    Climate change was a major area of discussion during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. New initiatives hold promise, but many plans require strong action that remains to be seen. [click for more]
    Kansas City to Become Largest U.S. City with Fare-Free Bus System 

    Kansas City, Missouri will offer its 490,000 residents fare-free bus riding in order to reduce carbon emissions and travel-related expenses for commuters. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    From January 21, 2020 to February 3, 2020, 15 bills were referred to committee to address environmental and energy issues.


    House Democrats unveiled a framework for their $760 billion infrastructure plan, which will include building for climate resiliency and cleaning up toxic chemicals that contaminate drinking water.

    The House Energy and Climate Committee also released the full draft for their Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation's (CLEAN) Future Act. You can read all 600 pages here, or just the summary here

    Congress focused on clean energy jobs. S.2393 would establish a nationwide worker training program for energy-related industries, and S.2508 would require a national survey of employment in the energy, energy efficiency, and motor vehicles sectors of the economy.

    Other bills were introduced that would limit the activities of the fossil fuel industry. S.3247 would ban hydraulic fracturing, and H.R.5695 would require offshore oil and gas facilities to report system failures to the Secretary of Interior.

    EESI has curated bills most relevant to energy, environment, and climate topics. Be sure to read through the rest of the environmental legislative tracker for January 21 - February 3 here.

    A Breakdown of 2019 Climate and Environment  Congressional Hearings 

    The past year saw 134 climate hearings, building momentum for action. Read EESI's breakdown of hearings by chamber, committee, and topic. [click for more]
    GOP Leaders Branch Out with One Trillion Trees

    The One Trillion Trees initiative, which aims to sequester carbon and improve environmental health globally, is proving to be a popular climate solution with both GOP House leaders and the Trump Administration. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings and Fact Sheets
    Briefing: Energy Efficiency Means Business in Your District

    In EESI's first briefing of 2020, expert panelists discussed how energy efficiency programs create jobs and deliver direct meaningful savings to constituent homeowners, consumers, and businesses—all while reducing the stresses and strains on our energy system. 
    [click for more]
    Article: Federal Programs Reduce Emissions by Improving Energy Efficiency 

    Improvements in energy efficiency reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the push towards a decarbonized society. We delve into the details of the benefits of energy efficiency programs in a follow-up article to the Energy Efficiency Means Business briefing. [click for more]
    EESI Around Town
    EESI Executive Director Emeritus Carol Werner was quoted in article on the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit.

    EESI was cited in in an article on buildings and climate neutrality at Rutgers University.
    Upcoming Events

    Live Webcast: National Clean Fuels Technology & Health Effects Leadership Forum 
    February 6

    Governors, public health, environmental, energy, public policy, and media experts will present new data and discuss how advances in regulations, agricultural and automotive technology, and gasoline quality can save lives, taxes, jobs and stop a source of funding for terrorism.

    Coastal Resilience Series: The Great Lakes
    February 13
    Rayburn HOB Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    This briefing will discuss tribal, agricultural, and urban climate adaptation and multi-state/international resilience policy-making in the Great Lakes region. 

    Sustainable Energy Factbook
    February 20th
    Rayburn HOB Room 2325

    The eighth annual Sustainable Energy Factbook briefing, held with the Business Council for Sustainable Energy, will provide new industry information and trends for the U.S. energy economy. Lunch will be provided. 

    A Security Threat Profile of Global Climate Change
    February 24th
    Rayburn HOB Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    Held with the Center for Climate and Security, this briefing will showcase CCS's new report comprehensively examining the wide-ranging security impacts of climate change across all six geographic U.S. Combatant Commands. 

    Coastal Resilience Series: Southeast
    March 13
    Rayburn HOB Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    Expert panelists will discuss restoring land-based and off-shore habitat for nature-based adaptation and the federal tools and policy that help advance these climate solutions.

    Biogas: Driving the U.S. Circular Economy
    March 18th
    Rayburn HOB Room 2168 (Gold Room)

    Held in conjunction with the American Biogas Council, experts will discuss the role biogas systems play in industrial models that "repurpose, reuse, and recycle."

    Electrification 2020: International Conference and Exposition
    April 6-9
    Charlotte, North Carolina

    EESI is proud to be a Supporting Organization of the Electric Power Research Institute's Electrification 2020. Attendees will gain access to industry influencers and compelling content to help advance electrification initiatives and create sustainable solutions. 
    Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
    Daniel Bresette, Executive Director
    EESI is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan Congressional caucus to provide timely information and develop innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.




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