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February 21, 2023
Senate Farm Bill Hearings: The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry recently held hearings on Farm Bill nutrition programs and commodity, crop insurance, and credit programs. EESI tracks all the climate, energy, and environment highlights of the Congressional Farm Bill hearings here. Climate-Related Economic Risks Hearing: The Senate Budget Committee held a hearing on climate-related economic risks and their costs to the federal budget and global economy.
Energy Security Bill Passes House: A bill (H.R.302) directing the Department of Energy to provide funding for students and researchers studying cybersecurity and energy infrastructure passed the House. Renewable Energy on Public Lands: The Public Land Renewable Energy Development Act (H.R.178) was introduced in the House. The bill promotes the responsible development of renewable energy like wind, solar, and geothermal on public lands. Read the press release here.
We track all environmental, energy, and climate legislation and hearings happening on Capitol Hill. See the full legislative trackers for February 6-10 and February 13-17.