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December 22, 2021
Headlines On the Hill in 2021: A Breakdown of Climate, Environmental, and Energy Congressional Hearings [5 min. read] Congress held a total of 187 hearings on climate, environmental, and energy topics in 2021. Using EESI’s coverage of legislation and Congressional hearings, this article analyzes the policies and issue areas Congress explored this year. At the end of the article, we provide a list of the 187 hearings included in this year’s hearing count. [click for more]
Solutions from Your District: Local and State Climate Action in 2021 [6 min. read] EESI features climate solutions in action across the country through articles published in our biweekly newsletter, Climate Change Solutions. In 2021, EESI produced 25 articles covering geographically-specific case studies of local and regional climate action. Check to see if solutions from your district were covered this year! [click for more]
EESI Briefings Saw 114 Experts, 8 Elected Officials Showcase Climate Solutions in 2021 [6 min. read] One of EESI’s primary educational tools is the Congressional briefing, where we invite policy experts and practitioners from around the country to discuss climate solutions in action and the policies and programs that make those solutions possible. Check out the 28 briefings we held this year on wide variety of climate-related issue areas. [click for more] Q&A: EESI Fall Interns Reflect on a Semester in D.C. [5 min. read] For the first time since the pandemic started, all three fall EESI interns were based in Washington, D.C., though still participating in the internship remotely. Our interns, Isabella Eclipse, Valerie Nguyen, and Roshni Vora, took the opportunity to interview each other about their experiences in D.C. and working at EESI. [click for more]
On the Hill December 6-17 Congress held two hearings on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing focused on federal efforts to address PFAS, and the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee hearing on research and development for addressing PFAS contamination. Other hearings included a House Committee on Administration hearing on how climate change is affecting the Smithsonian, and a Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing examining authorization for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery program. The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved S.46 last week, reauthorizing the Coral Reef Conservation Act. Additionally, two bills, S.3324 and H.R.6167, were reintroduced in Congress to standardize food date labels and reduce food waste. See EESI's full environmental and climate legislative trackers for December 6-10 and December 13-17. EESI News, Briefings, and Fact Sheets
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