Table Of Contents

    On the Hill

    December 6-17 Congress held two hearings on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing focused on federal efforts to address PFAS, and the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee hearing on research and development for addressing PFAS contamination.

    Other hearings included a House Committee on Administration hearing on how climate change is affecting the Smithsonian, and a Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing examining authorization for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery program.

    The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee approved S.46 last week, reauthorizing the Coral Reef Conservation Act. Additionally, two bills, S.3324 and H.R.6167, were reintroduced in Congress to standardize food date labels and reduce food waste.

    See EESI's full environmental and climate legislative trackers for December 6-10 and December 13-17.
    EESI News, Briefings, and Fact Sheets

    Fact Sheet: Climate, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Fossil Fuels
    [6 min. read]

    The use of fossil fuels--coal, oil, and natural gas--results in significant climate, environmental and health costs that are not reflected in market prices. These costs are known as externalities. This fact sheet provides a survey of some of the externalities associated with fossil fuels. [click for more]
    Briefing: Reduce and Reuse: How to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Building Materials, Plastics, and Food

    On December 8, 9, and 10, EESI held a three-part briefing series on reducing waste from the built environment, plastics, and food. Video replays and speaker slides are now available, and check back soon for highlight notes. [click for more]
    New Podcast Episode! S2:E8: 2021 Year in Review
    [28 min. listen]

    It’s the last episode of Season 2 of The Climate Conversation! This week, Dan Bresette and Emma Johnson look back on EESI’s 2021 briefings and projects to discuss favorites, lessons learned, and what’s coming up next year. They are joined by EESI Senior Associate Dan O’Brien and Policy Associate Savannah Bertrand. [click for more]

    Thank You to EESI Team Members for Their Contributions to Climate Change Solutions:

    Emma Johnson and Alison Davis - Layout, Design, and Content Editors

    Amaury Laporte - Communications Director

    As well as all EESI Staff, Interns, and Fellows who write and review content

    And a special thanks to our Fall 2021 Interns:

    Roshni Vora, ACES

    Valerie Nguyen, Policy

    Isabella Eclipse, Policy/Communications

    We're so proud of what you've accomplished this semester and can't wait to see what's next!