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December 20, 2022
Congressional Climate Action: The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis held its final hearing and Chair Kathy Castor's (D-Fla.) staff released a new report showcasing the progress that Congress has made to address climate change and what additional policies and investments are needed next. Farm Bill: The Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee held a hearing on Farm Bill research programs. EESI is tracking the climate, environmental, and energy policy highlights of Congressional Farm Bill hearings. Resilience Investments: The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.7776) passed both chambers of Congress. The bill includes the Water Resources Development Act, which authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to carry out a wide-range of projects such as those that restore ecosystems, provide flood control, and address water challenges like drought. Coal Mine Clean Up: The STREAM Act (S.3957) passed the Senate and would allow states to set aside Infrastructure and Investment and Jobs Act (P.L.117-58) funding for treatment of acid mine drainage, which is water polluted by abandoned coal mines. We track all environmental, energy, and climate legislation and hearings happening on Capitol Hill. See the full legislative trackers for December 5-9 and December 12-16.