Table Of Contents

    Welcome to the final edition of Climate Change Solutions of 2019!

    Before Solutions takes a holiday break, we're sending out one last issue where you can find news and analyses on COP25 from EESI's Anna McGinn, who attended the proceedings. Also, don't miss our final legislative round-up.

    Happy holidays from the entire EESI team. We have a lot in store for 2020, so stay tuned!

    As always, if you have any tips, gossip, or greetings, reach out to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff!

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    EESI is now hiring a full-time Development Associate

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    Video Short: Donate for Climate Solutions!

    The climate crisis can feel overwhelming. We get it. But at EESI, we're working on policies for a more livable planet!
    The Blue COP: U.N. Climate Conference Takes a Close Look at the Ocean

    At COP25, there have been over 100 events discussing the ocean and climate change. Discussions highlighted several new reports and initiatives to improve ocean health.  [click for more]
    The United States at COP25 

    While the U.S. has begun the process of exiting the Paris Agreement, the State Department, Congressional delegations, and American civil society groups nevertheless made their way to Madrid to participate in proceedings and negotiations. [click for more]
    Climate Reports Launched at COP25 -- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 

    The annual UN climate negotiations offer a significant platform for groups to launch new initiatives and share their most up-to-date climate reports. Read more about the various reports that came out here. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    From December 6-17, 48 bills were referred to committee to address environmental and energy issues. Senate committees approved 25 and House committees approved two. Seven bill passed the House. 

    Congress focused on renewable energy. H.R.5374, H.R.5375, and S.2657 would expand research and create energy credits for thermal energy. S.2668 would establish a program for research, development, and demonstration of solar energy technologies, and S.2508 and S.876 relate to energy jobs. These items were put on the Senate calendar 

    The 116th Congress has covered a lot of ground, and the best way to keep up to date is to see the bills for yourself. EESI has curated bills most relevant to energy, environment, and climate topics. Check out our environmental legislative tracker for December 6 -17 here.
    Overview of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Hearings

    The Select Committee on the Climate Crisis has worked diligently to craft climate policy recommendations for Congress, holding sixteen hearings between April and December 2019. Read our summaries of those hearings here. [click for more]
    Read EESI's Recommendations to the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

    EESI submitted an extensive set of policy recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change in response to the Committee's request for information. Our recommendations emphasized near term, coordinated actions that support states and local governments. [click for more]
    Request for Comment: Trump Administration Loosening Regulations for Rail Transportation of Flammable Natural Gas

    U.S. Department of Transportation released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would loosen regulations for the bulk transport of refrigerated  liquefied natural gas by rail tank car. Comments on the new regulations are due December 23. [click for more]

    EESI Most Read Fact Sheets of 2019
    Fossil Fuel Subsidies: A Closer Look at Tax Breaks and Societal Costs 

    There is a long history of government intervention in energy markets. Numerous energy subsidies exist in the U.S. tax code to promote or subsidize the production of cheap and abundant fossil energy, creating a kind of negative carbon tax. [click for more]
    Energy Storage

    Due to growing concerns about the environmental impacts of fossil fuels and the capacity and resilience of energy grids around the world, engineers and policymakers are increasingly turning their attention to energy storage solutions. [click for more]
    Jobs in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Resilience

    This fact sheet focuses on the growing employment in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors in the United States and around the world. [click for more]
    EESI Around Town
    EESI was cited by Next City in an article about urban foraging.
    EESI's Executive Director Emeritus and Senior Policy Fellow Carol Werner moderated a Senate briefing on biogas with the American Biogas Council. Article published in Biomass Magazine.
    Upcoming Events
    Regional Resilience Series: The Great Lakes 
    February 13, 2:30-4pm
    2167 Rayburn HOB

    The fourth briefing in EESI's series on regional resilience will focus on how tribes, farms, and cities are adapting to climate challenges around the Great Lakes.
    Regional Resilience Series: The Southeast 
    March 13, Time TBA
    2167 Rayburn HOB

    The fifth briefing in EESI's series on regional resilience will focus on living shorelines, wetland restoration, and digital tools to assist adaptation.