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August 20, 2019
Welcome to Climate Change Solutions!
Land use was a major theme in climate news the past two weeks. The IPCC released its special report on Climate Change and Land, warning that unsustainable global agricultural practices and climate change could result in declining crop yields, making food more expensive even as it becomes less nutritious.
While IPCC also highlighted that forest preservation is key for global environmental health, another report warned 40% of North American forests are in danger from invasive pests. And on both sides of the equator, drought in Alaska and development in the Amazon are causing massive wildfires.
Climate-friendly agriculture was a talking point for some 2020 Democratic candidates as they campaigned in Iowa--but Portugal’s super-sustainable wineries could lead the way in agricultural management.
Read more headlines on our Climate Change Round-Up for August 20th here. Send tips, comments, or story ideas to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff.