Table Of Contents

    Welcome to Climate Change Solutions!

    Land use was a major theme in climate news the past two weeks. The IPCC released its special report on Climate Change and Land, warning that unsustainable global agricultural practices and climate change could result in declining crop yields, making food more expensive even as it becomes less nutritious.

    While IPCC also highlighted that forest preservation is key for global environmental health, another report warned 40% of North American forests are in danger from invasive pests. And on both sides of the equator, drought in Alaska and development in the Amazon are causing massive wildfires. 

    Climate-friendly agriculture was a talking point for some 2020 Democratic candidates as they campaigned in Iowa--but Portugal’s super-sustainable wineries could lead the way in agricultural management. 

    Read more headlines on our Climate Change Round-Up for August 20th here

    Send tips, comments, or story ideas to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff.

    Video Short: How Can the Federal Government Support Shoreline Preservation?

    American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) Executive Director Derek Brockbank discusses the importance of fighting coastal erosion and key legislation that can help. [watch the short video]
    2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates Highlight Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Action 
    Some candidates are taking the lead in using nature-based solutions to tackle climate change and build resilient communities. [click for more]
    DOE Grant Supports Renewable Energy Goals and High School Training 
    DOE's $1.25 million award to the city of Philadelphia is a win-win-win for renewable energy, workforce development, and education reform. [click for more]
    Study Shows Positive Return on Federal Investment in Natural Hazard Mitigation
    EESI Policy Fellow Jonathan Herz breaks down the numbers behind benefit cost ratios often cited in disaster mitigation policy discussions. [click for more]

    On the Hill

    Congress is out of session until September 9th. Until then, check out EESI's last legislative tracker for July 22nd - August 2nd here.  
    Living Shoreline Living Shorelines Act Would Bolster NOAA's Efforts to Support Climate Resilience 
    The bipartisan, bicameral bill would help establish nature-based protections against storms and pollutionimproving biodiversity, recreation, and climate resilience. [click for more]
    Bipartisan Legislation Would Streamline Renewable Energy Development on Public Lands
    New legislation would streamline permitting and increase community funding for these projects while lowering the nation's greenhouse gas emissions. [click for more]
    National Climate Bank Act Would Combine Private and Public Funding to Combat Climate Change
    This bill expands on earlier green bank legislation with a wider variety of projects eligible for financing. [click for more]

    EESI Briefings and Fact Sheets
    EEFA Fossil Fuel Subsidies: A Closer Look at Tax Breaks and Societal Costs 
    Fact sheet on the multiple fossil fuel subsidies undermining greenhouse gas reduction goals and recent reform efforts.
    [click for more]
    EEFA Energy Efficiency Jobs Are Green Jobs
    Briefing with Energy Efficiency for All highlighting job creation potential in retrofitting affordable housing for energy efficiency. 
    [click for more]
    Jobs in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Resilience
    Fact sheet compiling info on clean energy job growth in the U.S. and around the world. [click for more]
    Intern Shout-Out 
    Thanks so much to our amazing interns for their substantive contributions to EESI this summer!
    We wish you all well in your future endeavors.  
    Article: My Wonderful Experience as a Summer Intern at EESI 

    EESI Around Town
    EESI Highlights Top Priority Planks for Green New Deal in Solar Tribune. Article features energy efficiency innovation and renewable subsidy parity to achieve climate goals. 
    Policy Associate John-Michael Cross wrote an article for Home Business Magazine. The article explains how rural energy cooperatives can increase energy efficiency through on-bill financing.
    EESI Intern Chloe Rogers was published in Federal Times. Her article highlights FEMA's struggles to help people with disabilities during disasters.
    Upcoming Events
    2019 NASEO Annual Meeting 
    September 15-18
    Westdrift Manhattan Beach, Manhattan Beach, CA

    Join the National Association of State Energy Officials for interactive sessions and discussions on transportation electrification, building-grid integration, and financing for energy innovation and infrastructure modernization. EESI is proud to sponsor this event. 
    Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs and Success Stories
    September 16, 12pm-1:30pm (lunch will be served)
    Capitol Visitor Center, HVC-201AB

    Briefing held with Energy Efficiency for All which will highlight state success stories using the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
    National Security and Climate Change Forum
    September 24th, 9am-12pm
    Rayburn 2168 (The Gold Room)

    Briefing held with the Center for Climate & Security on the risks climate change poses to national defense infrastructure and the Climate and Security Group's plan to mitigate and adapt to those risks.