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April 28, 2021
Welcome to Climate Change Solutions! EESI welcomed the Biden-Harris Administration's announcement to cut carbon emissions 50% by 2030, revising U.S.'s nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement: "Meeting this new goal will make a significant contribution to the global fight against climate change...But we still have a lot of work to do. 2030 sounds far off, but it's only nine years away." We will host an online briefing on May 12 to break down the NDC, explain why it matters, and discuss a path forward for the policies needed to help us meet this goal. In keeping with this news, we dialed in on policies supporting decarbonization. Our latest podcast episode examines how collaborative action makes decarbonization possible across different industries. We spoke with the leaders of the national Decarbonization Dialogue about how to engage stakeholders in agriculture, power, and transportation to achieve broad climate and economic wins. We also highlighted work being done in Juneau, Alaska to achieve the city's decarbonization goals through electrification programs, and how a green affordable housing program in Detroit, Michigan is working to achieve social and environmental goals. Another topic covered this week is improving national infrastructure though integrating climate and disaster predictions into building decisions. We also heard from a former intern and his road from EESI to the DOE. Have a climate solution? Send tips to Solutions editor Amber Todoroff!
A coordinated approach between sectors is the only way to say goodbye to carbon emissions for good. This week, Dan and Syd met with the leaders of the Decarbonization Dialogue, which convened experts from three different sectors to develop policy recommendations for economy-wide and equitable decarbonization.
Read the full Decarbonization Dialogue report here. [click for more]
From April 12-23, Congress introduced a total of 162 bills, resolutions, and amendments related to environmental and energy topics. Of these, 105 were in the House and 57 were in the Senate. Additionally, both chambers held several relevant hearings during this period.
Much of the legislation introduced during the past two weeks in Congress focused on agriculture. For example, S.1337 and H.R.2803 seek to address climate impacts to the agricultural sector. Other bills propose the creation of new programs. S.1244 and H.R.2670 seek to establish a Civilian Conservation Corps with the amendment of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 with the goal of helping communities adapt to climate change while transitioning to clean economies.
Last week House Republicans held an Energy Innovation Agenda, highlighting dozens of bills in three priority areas: innovation, clean energy infrastructure, and natural solutions and conservation.
Many hearings held during this period handled topics relevant to energy and the environment. Among these, several centered jobs, including the House Committee on Natural Resources hearing entitled “Building Back Better: Reducing Pollution and Creating Jobs Through Offshore Wind” and the Senate Committee on Appropriations hearing to examine the American Jobs Plan.
Electrification 2021 Virtual forum series This summer, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is holding a series of virtual forums to enable comprehensive collaboration and informative exchanges on electrification solutions.
Register here! EESI is a supporting organization for this series.
Reuters Transform USA 2021 May 4-5 Online
Sustainability is no longer at the fringes of business strategy; it is intrinsic to any successful business’s future. We know what we need to do, and why, the question now is "how."
The world’s most forward-thinking leaders will bring their passion, experience, and expertise to guide you through the most business-critical issues so that you can forge a robust and achievable roadmap to make your business clean, resilient, and just. RSVP here! EESI is a media partner for this event.
CFC #10627